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Candy M
electrophysiologists with a good track record
November 09, 2008 12:40PM
Being contemplating Pulmonary Vein Ablation, I Will like to find out where to read about the last survey done in these topic.
Most important I will like to find out about electrophysiologists and surgeons with a good track record.
thank you,
George N
Re: electrophysiologists with a good track record
November 09, 2008 01:38PM
Where do you live?

Since you have a Bell South ISP, I'm guessing the SE part of the US. Dr. Natale in Austin TX or Dr. Pinsky in Weston FL are great choices.

Hans is in the process of compiling the most recent survey. It will be published in the subscription Afib Report. The last survey was published in Jan, '08.

Re: electrophysiologists with a good track record
November 09, 2008 06:23PM
I just had a PVI ablation on Oct 14, 2008 with Dr. Saliba at the Cleveland Clinic. The hospital, staff and doctors were all top notch. I am still on flecanide and toprol - I will come off these meds 12 Dec - the procedure went without any complications - no pain, no nausea - will keep you all posted on how I continue to do. I lived in VA Beach but thought it was worth the trip.
Re: electrophysiologists with a good track record
November 10, 2008 12:17AM
I had ablation in June 08 by Dr. Natale in Austin. In my opinion he is the best.
Re: electrophysiologists with a good track record
November 10, 2008 07:14AM
I'll second that. Jackie
Re: electrophysiologists with a good track record
November 14, 2008 06:06PM
Who is Dr. Pinsky?
I cannot locate such a person in Weston, FL.
Re: electrophysiologists with a good track record
November 15, 2008 01:50AM
Hello Betty, put the name Pinsky into the search function here and look for posts from Benj, Marion, and Bob G. I forget just what institute he works at but if you cannot find it in a post then email one of these people privately and ask them. You can do that with anybody whose name appears at the top of their post in blue letters like mine and yours do, just click on the blue-lettered name.
Hans Larsen
Re: electrophysiologists with a good track record
November 15, 2008 08:53AM

Dr. Sergio Pinski is an electrophysiologist who works at the Cleveland Clinic in Weston, Florida.

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