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Fluoridation: A Horror Story
June 19, 2008 02:35PM


John Yiamouyiannis, in his influential 'Fluoride and the Aging Factor', described how the fluorine ion disrupts enzyme activity and attacks DNA and protein. In his theories, backed up by research, the fluorine ion particularly disrupts hydrogen bonds. When chemicals are dumped together, the elements that have a higher bonding affinity will “steal” the bonds from other elements. Fluorine forms the smallest negatively charged ions of all the elements, and that small size allows them to go where larger ions cannot. Those fluorine ions can get into the nooks and crannies of larger molecules, such as enzymes and DNA, and wreak biological havoc. Those fluorine ions disrupt weaker bonds in those larger molecules, damaging or destroying the original substance, disabling its biochemical usefulness. The fluorine ion acts similarly to “free radicals” in the body, with its net electrical charge interfering with biochemical reactions. That is how the fluorine ion harms or kills people.
Re: Fluoridation: A Horror Story
June 20, 2008 03:54AM
Thanks Erling - Important information.

You probably didn't see the post last year on "What's in Your Water"... Hydrate Safely....


Additionally, many of the functional medicine docs are emphasizing that some of the increase in hypothyroid problems is coming from the competition for iodine by fluoride and bromide which is added to flour products.

Re: Fluoridation: A Horror Story
June 20, 2008 04:48AM
Hello Jackie!

Yes, I did see and read your very informative article and the replies. Not wanting to be repeating something already covered, I used 'search' and found it. Sorry - I had meant to credit it but stumbled.

I'm very pleased to see it brought forward.


Re: Fluoridation: A Horror Story
June 20, 2008 07:48AM
No problem, Erling - I thought since you hadn't been on for a while, you may have missed it.

Another aspect for negative impact of fluoride…by retired neurosurgeon, Russell Blaylock, MD that you'll find interesting.....

" Protecting against fluoride toxicity:

The anesthetic gas, nitrous oxide, can cause a sudden and catastrophic drop in the body’s vitamin B-12 levels, leading to disorientation, confusion, memory loss and even coma in people with low B-12 levels prior to surgery — especially the elderly.

Most modern anesthetic gases are fluoridated compounds, meaning they contain fluoride, a known toxin, especially to the brain. Because anesthetics enter the brain easily, they pose a special danger to this key organ.

Fluoride is also very toxic to the heart, so people with heart problems are at special risk.

Fluoride poisons critical enzymes needed by the heart to produce energy and can cause abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias). This could lead to stroke, sudden heart failure — during surgery or soon after — or even delayed heart failure.

Fortunately, several nutrients are known to protect against fluoride toxicity in both the brain and the heart:
➔ Calcium
➔ Selenium
➔ Vitamin D-3
➔ Antioxidants

Magnesium is one of the most important protective nutrients for both the heart and the brain. Many studies have shown that extra magnesium can protect against sudden heart failure, arrhythmias, coronary spasms (heart attacks) and even postoperative blood clots — a major killer of postoperative patients. In addition, it protects against fluoride toxicity.

As a neurosurgeon, I always added magnesium to my patients’ intravenous fluids during surgery and afterward. I never had a patient experience heart failure during surgery or a postoperative blood clot.

Unfortunately, very few surgeons or medical doctors add magnesium to a patient’s IV, primarily because these physicians have not done their homework. This is changing slowly.

Another problem is not keeping the patient’s oxygen level high enough, though fortunately this is quite rare. A number of medical journals have reported dislodged endotracheal tubes (your connection to the oxygen machine) as well as other difficulties with supplying adequate oxygen during surgery. In the past, this was a common problem, but anesthesiologists have dramatically improved the monitoring of patients’ oxygen levels during surgery.

Magnesium and all of the antioxidant supplements I have (previously) mentioned offer considerable protection against brain damage should such an event occur."'

Source Nov/Dec 04 Blaylock Wellness Report
www.newsmax.com $48/year

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