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Bob G Ocala
Lost my Brother
April 23, 2008 07:57PM
To those of you who remember me and knew that my brother had several heart attacks and many other problems, I just wanted you to know that he passed at Hospice in Jacksonville Florida on Tuesday night. He was very sick. His ejection fraction was 15% or less. Cancer on his legs, heart and kidney failure, and an unbelieveable amount of bleeding from his colon, probably due to the many polyps he could not get removed because of his fragile health. He was the oldest 69. He peacefully passed from this life to the next. I was talking with him and singing some of the Church songs we used to sing in the good old days, and he, after a struggling few days, peacefully stopped breathing. Hospice is a fabulous place. Very caring people, when the time comes to recognize that the end is here. They were precious people who cared about the family as well as my brother and their other patients.

I am doing very well. I have lost 55 pounds, have been able to stop my C-PAP, and am still working full time at just under 68! When I think back to where I was before Dr. Pinski, it is hard to believe.

You are still the greatest people I have ever comunicated with, giving great advice, caring about those you help, and being friends to those in need. May God richly bless each one of you, and may you be able to say NSR!!!!

Bob G Ocala
Re: Lost my Brother
April 23, 2008 08:44PM
Sounds like your brother had great care and a dear friend in you ... take care of yourself and all the best.

Re: Lost my Brother
April 23, 2008 11:00PM
Bob, so sorry to hear you have lost your brother, but what a lucky man he was to have a brother like you.

Heather G
Re: Lost my Brother
April 24, 2008 12:50AM
Bob, your post was so touching, what a lovely caring person you are, I am sorry about your brother but he will have no pain where he is now. Heather G
Re: Lost my Brother
April 24, 2008 01:37AM
Most heartfelt sympathy, Bob. Strength and courage to you in this difficult time.
Re: Lost my Brother
April 24, 2008 01:42AM
Bob...so sorry about your brother but your deep faith which has guided you all these years will do so now as well.

I just had my 2nd ablation with Dr. Pinski and your original post re: his expertise has guided many to his care. Thank you again and continue to be well.


Sharon Glass
Re: Lost my Brother
April 24, 2008 04:18AM
Bob, I am sorry you lost your older brother. May God's peace be with you. Here is something for you. Sharon

Re: Lost my Brother
April 24, 2008 04:27AM
Blessings to you and your brother - he is peaceful and without pain now. You have earned your place in Heaven. Barbara
Marian from Miami
Re: Lost my Brother
April 24, 2008 05:28AM

It is so hard to say goodbye to those we love. May God comfort you with the peace that only He can give in this time of sorrow.

Thanks again for your informative posts about the good Dr. Pinski. Many of us have benefited from his expertise.

I'm glad to know you are doing well, Bob. Please continue to keep us posted.

Blessings to you and your family,

jean brassell
Re: Lost my Brother
April 24, 2008 06:59AM

Many condolences to you and your family on the loss of your brother. He is in a better place now and without pain.

Take care of yourself.
Re: Lost my Brother
April 24, 2008 07:45AM
Bob - I'll email you.

Re: Lost my Brother
April 24, 2008 08:19AM
Bob, I am so very sorry that you lost this wonderful brother, but I do also believe that he is in a wonderful state of being that we can only imagine. I hope that you and your family will find teh support and comfort that you need, with many many fond memories of your brother and the memorable things he did here on Earth.


Re: Lost my Brother
April 24, 2008 11:03AM
I am so sorry for your loss. Hospice is a wonderful thing and God is good smiling smiley How precious that you were able to sing to your brother on his way to the promised land!
Peace and comfort to you and your family. Take special care during this time.
I live just down the road from you in Citrus county. Who is Dr Pinski?

Marian from Miami
Re: Lost my Brother
April 24, 2008 11:11AM

I'm not Bob, but I can tell you that Dr. Pinski is Sergio Pinski, MD. He is an electrophysiologist at the Cleveland Clinic, Weston (near Ft. Lauderdale), Florida.

He is a wonderful, caring, competent physician. To read more comments, just put his name in the search box at the top of the page. Or you can put Bob G, Benj, or Marian from Miami in the search box for author and find more information.

Re: Lost my Brother
April 24, 2008 11:20AM
Thanks for the info Marian.

How is Dr Pinski in comparrison to Dr Natale? I'm supposed to be scheduling an appointment with Dr Natale in June or July in Austin, Texas but Weston would be so much closer. I'm just north of Tampa.


Marian from Miami
Re: Lost my Brother
April 24, 2008 12:04PM

In my book, Dr. Natale and Dr. Pinski are nearly equal. I think Dr. Natale has a bit more experience than Dr. Pinski, but they do the same type of ablation. Dr. Pinski worked with Natale in Ohio just before he came to Weston about 5 years ago. One major difference in their style is that Dr. Natale uses conscious sedation for his ablations and Dr. Pinski uses general anesthesia.

Before my Pinski ablation, I had a PVI by another EP with conscious sedation and the pain was horrible. I fought with him, screamed at him, and he became quite perturbed with me. I will always believe that he wasn't able to make the burns deep enough because I couldn't take the pain. When Dr. Pinski did my second PVI, he could not even find evidence that I had already gone through one!

There are plenty of other people who do well with conscious sedation, so who am I to say. I just want you to be aware of those differences.

Dee R.
Re: Lost my Brother
April 24, 2008 02:24PM
Dear Bob,

You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. My deepest sympathy.

Hugs from your friend, Dee
Re: Lost my Brother
April 24, 2008 02:53PM
Bob, my sympathy goes out to you. I've seen first hand how wonderful the people who work in hospice care are. My mother was diagnosed last year with Multiple Myeloma and spent a short time fighting the disease. Just before Christmas, her doctors stopped treatment and gave her 3 weeks to live. The Doc's advice was to go home and play with your mom. We tried to do just that. After a wonderful Christmas celebration with the whole family Mom went into hospice care. She was hesitant to go at first but once she got there she decided it was the best thing to do. They were so kind compassionate and caring. Mom was enjoying her stay there. They treated her like a queen. At times it was like a holiday at a five star hotel, what with the entertainment, bingos, teas, and even a pub night. Mom was pretty mobile up until the very end when she finally passed in their care on Feb 2 this year. She was 81.

It's been tough on my Dad. At nine years senior to mom and an afibber with angina, He always expected to be the first to go but sometimes life doesn't happen the way you think it will. Ironically Dads 90th birthday falls on mothers day this year. As a family some of us have been talking and we want to pass the hat around for doantions to be given to the folk at the hospice centre. From what i have seen it will be money well spent.

My prayers and blessings go out to you and your family. God bless you.


Re: Lost my Brother
April 24, 2008 07:00PM
I'm sorry. I just realized I started a whole new topic in the middle of Bob's condolence threads. I'll start a new topic on my Dr Pinski/Dr Natale questions.


Mike F.
Re: Lost my Brother
April 28, 2008 09:32AM
Lovely post Bob. Peace to your brother and best to you.
Mike F.
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