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switching from lopressor to atenolol

Posted by Robin Temple 
Robin Temple
switching from lopressor to atenolol
January 11, 2008 07:20AM
Hello All,
I was having some nasty side effects with the lopressor.

1. intense itching
2. strange smell of something burning. nasal irritatioin.
3. depression I believe
4. lots of hair falling out at shower time
5. growling stomach

Called Cardio today and they want to change me to Atenolol. Anybody out there on this drug? Has it worked for you? Any problems?



Marian from Miami
Re: switching from lopressor to atenolol
January 11, 2008 07:32AM

I took a very low dose of Atenolol (25mg) for a few months after my second PVI because my heart rate was fast (high 80s and 90s). It did slow down the rate and helped me feel more comfortable. I had no untoward side effects.

Beta blockers will not prevent Afib, but can make it more tolerable.

Re: switching from lopressor to atenolol
January 11, 2008 08:04AM
I've been on tenormin, the brand name for the generic Atenolol, since 1987. The only side effect I found is that like most beta blockers, you may not be able to lose weight as quickly and may get insulin resistant.

I take 25mg twice a day. I also prefer the brand name name Tenormin instead of the genetic Atenolol. I've tried both and didn't like Atenolol....so for me it is worth the extra few bucks to switch.
Re: switching from lopressor to atenolol
January 11, 2008 11:03AM
I've been on Tenormin, (25mg), for 3 years and have none of the side effects you mention.

My wife has taken Lopressor for 8 years and has none of those side effects, either. Maybe they're from something else.

I do notice that I don't have the uphill stamina I had before.

Barb H.
Re: switching from lopressor to atenolol
January 11, 2008 06:56PM
HI Robin - I've been on Atenolol for about 3 years now. I was on 100mg./day for quite awhile, but backed myself down after reading this board and realizing that beta blockers aren't the greatest for vagal afibbers. I now take 50 mg/day. The 100 definitely made me more tired...but I still get that on and off. An interesting note is the comment about becoming insulin resistant...my blood sugar WAS high when I last got it checked...and I have read that beta blockers can do that. I certainly don't want to become diabetic also...

The plus side of taking Atenolol for me is that it seemed to reduce the intensity of episodes that I have...not the frequency..but they became more subtle. I used to have some pretty bad nights before taking this..and now, my episodes are usually tolerable or better.
Jeff Gould
Re: switching from lopressor to atenolol
January 13, 2008 11:05AM
I´ve been on atenolol for about 4 years. I´ve been free of afib for most of this period. I believe it´s the combination of atenolol and minute amounts of amiodarone that together have kept me in sinus rhythm since March 2004. The atenolol dose is 25mg daily.
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