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Tom Poppino
D Ribose
August 28, 2007 04:13AM

The above link is to an article in Life Extension regarding D Ribose, since my diagnosis of 12 days ago I am loving this site for it's info and stories, I'm still in the learning faze but have decided to follow the Sharon Glass's and Sue Bowden's on this site, to learn what they have done, and many others too, I'm not an idiot and realize that this is a study on one but when I look back on my past 54 yrs I probably have no cell magnesium, have suffered great oxidative stress, cortisol excess, no potassium and a high stress job....nice ! I played football and basketball in HS, joined a gym in 1972 lifting weights, began running in the mid 70's (I thought I was Rocky) then by 1980 was obsessive with biking (got hit by a car in 84) weights and running....in my mid 40's I played in a men's basketball league at 6 AM ! my body fat was once 4.5 %, I thought it was great, NOT. Then coached competative baseball for 7 years, along with running, weight training and yard work, not very smart for someone who graduated from the Univ of Miami in Coral Gables.

Infalmation within the heart is another one.....I was obsessed, and still am....but I am getting better thanks to you guys and Han's book, will I be healed, odds say no but I'm gonna try naturally first.

I have taken magnesuim at 1000 mg per day (gly form & Ionic Fizz) I have total bowel tolerance? no cramps nothing?
Taurine 3 G per day divided
Ribose 10 G per day (2 doses)
Enzymes with Natto
Co Q 10 300 mg (3 X 100)
Vit E 400 (full spectrum by Jarrow called FamilE)
2 bananas per day
Emergen C Lite 2 per day powder C with electrolytes
B 12 Folic Acid and B 6 sublingual
Vit D 1000 IU p/day
Curcumin / Turmeric
Fish oil by Nordic
Lycopene 20 mg
a little Udo's Iol in my low glycemic shake which is GF
eat every 2 hrs (all my episides are tied to starving & stress together)
no more chocolate (I ate dark, very day choc every day)
no more wine or scotch
leaving work at 1 PM every day now
reduced workout program

will let you know how it works, talked to Reese on the phone last week about his ablation at UVA, not a walk in the park but as he said "not that bad", so although I'm a nature boy that is an option down the road, it's easy to be tough when you feel good, when the episode hits your on your knees and you mentally collapse....I may have collapsed mentally many years ago.

other supplments I intend to explore: Proline, Arginine, Creatine
Tom in NC
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