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Want some opinions
May 13, 2007 09:35AM
OK, lately, like for the last two months or a bit more, I have not had but one or long a-fib attack lasting more than an hour. I get long ones from exposior to wheat, which always does it to me. I'm a celiac. By long, I mean 4 hours.

Almost all of what I am having now are very short periods of arrythmia, with a tiny bit of a-fib mixed in. It varies when it happens. I might have something for a few minutes around 11:00 or 4:00 when I am hungry or around 9:00 in the evening when I am tired. I might have a minute of it half an hour after breakfast if I am tired in the morning. The longest these seem to last is 20 or 30 minutes max, but usually it is only a few minutes. It seems to happen every day up to every three days.

And, I have a new thing of about 1 to 10 minutes max of the same type of thing like the above just as I am drifting off to sleep at night. I noticed that when this starts to happen, my heart rate, which is normally 72 to 78 is down to 60.

I wrote a while back about success with Lysine, Proline and lots of C. I am still on lots of C, but gave up the proline and lysine, because for some reason it was causing mild intestinal irritation for me. I don't know if it is a contaminant or if they use dairy products to make it and I am allegic to casein in milk. I haven't been able to find out what it could be. I would go back to it if I knew how to avoid this problem.

Do others get a-fib just as you are drifting off to sleep? Is this sort of change from long episodes lasting hours to short episodes more frequently a next step or worsening progression of the condition? Do a-fib episodes lasting less than 30 minutes have the same negative effect on remodeling the heart as the longer ones?

I'm just wondering what people think.


Re: Want some opinions
May 13, 2007 10:56AM
Tish, sometimes i get a period of a few days when i frequently notice some kind of brief arrhythmia [ectopics? tachycardia?] which does not feel like afib, and goes away too fast to determine what it is by feeling my pulse. It seems to occur a lot in the early morning. Also sometimes i awaken at night with my heart racing, and it feels very much like the morning whatever-they-are's. I have sleep apnea, and i strongly suspect that the night-time things are related to that.

Both kinds of [ectopics, maybe?] occur at times when i have been slacking off on taking my regular morning and evening supplements of Mg glycinate, K gluconate, taurine, vit D, Vit C, vit E [gamma E with etc.], and COQ10, and also it often happens that i have also been eating something severely nonpaleo. [I am becoming less and less tolerant of wheat.] Returning to paleodiet and resuming 2 doses a day of the above has always abolished them, whatever they are. They have never occurred when i have been eating properly and supplementing religiously. They seem to me to be warnings that unless i straighten out my eating and supplementation i will once more be plagued with afib.

If i am having a particularly annoying spell of them they will vanish as soon as i take 2 grams of taurine and a glass of water with a teaspoon of K gluconate stirred into it. I am not sure, but i think the taurine is the faster acting component of that dose. George too has had some experience with taurine acting very fast to abolish afib, faster than you would think it could possibly have been absorbed.

All this is guesswork, opinions, and hunches, and i have no science at all to back up my guesses about what is happening.

But about the lysine and proline, i think you would be interested in something i stumbled across on one of the rawfood lists some time ago. It concerns what the body actually does with the vit C it uses so much of. Surprise surprise, it has to do with lysine and proline. Here is a link to the thread from the 5th bb where i posted about it, hoping to find somebody who knew something about the subject or was at least interested in it:


Here is the website i got the information from:


And here is a short excerpt from that site:

"In fact, meat not only prevents scurvy because it contains tiny quantities of vitamin C, it prevents it because it bypasses the need for vitamin C.
Vitamin C is required to form collagen in the body, and it does this - despite being described everywhere as an antioxidant - by oxidation. Vitamin C's role in collagen formation is to transfer a hydroxyl group to the amino acids lysine and proline. Meat, however, already contains appreciable quantities of hydroxylysine and hydroxyproline, bypassing some of the requirement for vitamin C. In other words, your vitamin C requirement is dependent upon how much meat you do not eat."

An interesting statement if i ever saw one, and i think it is pertinent to your situation.

Carol A.
Re: Want some opinions
May 13, 2007 02:49PM
Tish, you asked: "Do others get a-fib just as you are drifting off to sleep."

That is exactly the way my afib began before I had an ablation.
It used to rob me of sleep. I think that it has to do with the heart rate slowing as you drift off to sleep.

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