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The "new" flags are gone again

Posted by PeggyM 
The "new" flags are gone again
January 11, 2007 05:03PM
From my computer at least. Anybody else, or is it my own tribe of computer gremlins again?
Re: The "new" flags are gone again
January 11, 2007 05:20PM
Yup, gone here too. Not only that BUT THEY ALL TURNED BLUE. aargh smiling smiley

Bob K.
Re: The "new" flags are gone again
January 11, 2007 06:39PM
Mine seem fine.
Re: The "new" flags are gone again
January 11, 2007 07:13PM
Mine were gone this afternoon, and now they are back! Gremlins or ghosts, I have a fan that comes on by itself, and also reverses direction by itself.

Mary Ann from Idaho
Re: The "new" flags are gone again
January 11, 2007 09:00PM
Gone here. Have been for days. I haven't touched a thing.

Re: The "new" flags are gone again
January 12, 2007 12:42AM
Adrian, the subject lines turned blue again for me too the original time when the 'new' flags disappeared, but that did not happen the second time [yesterday], But when i awoke this morning the 'new' signs are appearing again. Somebody is monkeying around somewhere, probably trying to undo whatever damage happened when he/she tried to get rid of Sami's posts and got rid of 3-4 days worth of everybody's posts as well. Boy will i be glad when Hans gets back.
Re: The "new" flags are gone again
January 12, 2007 04:03AM
Gone here to, i wondered why there was no new posts wording yesterday.

and now they are gone again
January 12, 2007 05:07AM
Restarted my computer and clicked on the board here. A new post from Carol A is browned out as though i had already clicked on it, and i had not. No new posts have red "new" flags on them. Whoever is monkeying around, i wish they would stop. Better to wait for Hans to come back and put things as right as may still be possible.
Re: The "new" flags are gone again
January 12, 2007 07:47AM
Peggy and all - Between these latest computer glitches and my own Internet server having problems.... I'm becoming totally frustrated with the loss of the posts, the lack of flags, etc.

If my responses are late, it's because I can't get connected to the Internet when do sit down to check the BB.

This is really annoying on many counts.

There are many messages I saw and didn't have time to comment on so I guess those are lost and we should consider re-posting once Hans is back and everything becomes 'normal'?

I'm intending to re-post the iodine disucssion because that is an important isssue for consideration but I'll wait.

Re: The "new" flags are gone again
January 12, 2007 08:43AM
Jackie, do you think we ought to post a message to the person playing with the buttons, whoever s/he may be, asking for a moratorium til Hans gets back? Whoever it is gets messages to Hans, because s/he got that one from John fulminating about our longstanding nuisance Sami Yanikian. The whole thing happened right after that. Whoever it is seems to be trying to put right whatever s/he did, and it is nervewracking to me at least, to have things popping back and forth from one state to another like this. Plus i am afraid s/he will muck things up badly enough that Hans may not be able to put them right and retrieve the lost posts. Did you notice that the same thing has happened to the Conference Room? All posts since 1/3 have been removed, save for one from George dated 1/4. It was up among older ones and may not have been noticed.
Re: The "new" flags are gone again
January 12, 2007 10:12AM
Peggy - I think Hans should work it out with the people he left in charge of the website - if that is the case. He responded the other day to a post, so I presume he has computer access. Why don't you email him?

I did notice the Conference Room and if those are lost, that's really a shame.

Re: The "new" flags are gone again
January 12, 2007 10:59AM
Jackie, the only post of his i can find is one on 12/31. That would accord with him leaving jan 1 as John said he was told. Do you remember him answering anything during the missing 6 days? In any case, i really feel reluctant to email him during his vacation with bb stuff. I ask myself if i would be glad for my holiday to be interrupted with business matters, and i do not think i would be happy about that myself.

By the way, if you are having problems connecting to the internet, please allow me to recommend the company i use, USA Datanet. They charge $9.95 a month and i have only had trouble getting connected once in the past year. I live in the "backwoods" of central maine and use dialup, too. If you do decide to use them, please email me and let me give you my address and phone number so they can comp me one month as is their custom for referrals.

Re: The "new" flags are gone again
January 12, 2007 04:05PM
Thanks Peggy - This is Time Warner - the only broadband internet access company available in this area - so we are a captive audience. Wish we had alternatives, but we don't. I felt like a kid with a new toy when we went from dialup in the summer to broadband so I'm just waiting it out. Everyone is in the same boat in certain areas of NE Ohio where they only allow one cable/internet contractor in for the service.

I thought I saw a post from Hans that was last week or 10 days ago... Maybe I was dreaming? I agree about interupting a vacation, though.

Best to you,

Re: The "new" flags are gone again
January 12, 2007 04:26PM
Sadly enough, if you saw a post from Hans during the missing chunk of time, we will not be able to check on that til Hans gets back, if then.

So all your problems getting online have happened since you went to broadband? Is there something about broadband that keeps you from going back to dialup, if only until the broadband gets its act together?

Re: The "new" flags are gone again
January 12, 2007 04:46PM
Peggy - this is a first for the broadband - apparently there was a large mechanical problem. Yes, the speed of broadband has spoiled me for dialup. I'll probably never revert back. winking smiley
Sharon Glass
Re: The "new" flags are gone again
January 12, 2007 05:58PM
What is the difference in broadband and DSL? I have highspeed DSL (a little more expensive) but I love it, very few problems, just wondered what broadband was. Sharon
Re: The "new" flags are gone again
January 12, 2007 06:01PM
Yep, the 'new' flags are gone for me, too - and part of the conference room proceedings. I did find some 'blue' posts a couple of days ago when I went back to see if I'd missed any messages but the next time I opened the BB they were back to black. I hope Hans is having a lovely, relaxing break and that he will return refreshed.
I'll just jot down the dates of the last posts I've read so I can keep track of things for now.
Bob K.
Re: The "new" flags are gone again
January 12, 2007 06:58PM
Sharon, DSL is a type of broadband.

"The term broadband refers to any type of transmission technique that carries several data channels over a common wire. DSL service, for example, combines separate voice and data channels over a single telephone line. "


Re: The "new" flags are gone again
January 13, 2007 06:41AM
In our case, we had to have a special cable installed with equipment that bored a hole from the access box at the end of the drive back 300 feet to the house connection. Pretty neat. They went under the driveway for the most part but hit a few large boulders down at 4 feet and had to then come up in the area along the drive and then go completely around the concrete parking pad. The installers do nothing else so it was a relatively quick job. Then we had a wireless connection put in from there to access the computer. It's absolutely a marvel after clunking along for so long with dialup. I do so much online research, it was time to convert and I'm really pleased with the result. As I said, this was a first time-glitch. All seems to be working well now - just a couple days with spotty connections.

Sharon Glass
Re: The "new" flags are gone again
January 13, 2007 03:32PM
Thanks Bob K..learn something new everyday. I have always just called it DSL without knowing how it worked. Interesting! Sharon
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