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Christmas answer?
December 23, 2003 08:58PM
Well its been 2 months since my ablation. Things have settled down some this last week. My EP says its all related to the procedure, and my heart is a little more sensitive to change than others.

No AF in two weeks and no pac's in one week. Thats a record.

Hope all have an AF free holiday.

Re: Christmas answer?
December 24, 2003 06:14AM
JR - That's wonderful news. See, it just takes more time with some people.

I'm sure this will be the beginning of the peaceful heart you have wanted all this time. Now it is becoming a reality. Silent night, all is calm and sleelp in heavenly peace are wonderful words to savor this season, especially so for those of us who are recently post ablation.

I share your joy!

All the best, Jackie
Re: Christmas answer?
December 24, 2003 07:18PM

Please tell me what kind of problems you've had since your ablation. I had one 3 weeks ago and I'm so fearful it hasn't worked because I have runs of afib.

Re: Christmas answer?
December 28, 2003 06:57PM
Linda, Hope you read this. Well I had many Pac's and short AF's and two long ones. Best I can say were they were different than those in the past.

My ep says as the heart heals, the pathways are changed and irritated, which can cause AF, but as the scar tissue develops it should improve. He stated for some people, (I think me). The heart takes a longer time to heal. I had 79 burns, he said that was more than some, less than others.

For almost 3 weeks now no problems at all. NONE, that is a miracle for me.

I even ate some ham, usually a major no no, with no prblems.

Re: Christmas answer?
December 30, 2003 08:12PM
Babb, thank you for replying. I have had palpitaions and short runs of afib too since my ablation on Dec 4. I pray that my heart is just healing and that as the scar tissue forms I will have afib free days, months, years ahead of me. This is my second ablation and I have prayed that I would have the higher chance of good results that second ablatons are suppose to give. I've had afib for about four years and have gone through numerous meds. I feel like it has controlled my life, and I want my life back. Please continue to let us know how things are going.
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