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For Mike F. V42
December 23, 2003 04:16PM
Hi Mike,
Came across an older post of yours asking about afib of a fleeting nature or a few seconds duration. I know you have GERD afib so this may be of use to you.
I used to have these mini afibs during the day, normally after meals. I would immediately take a double strength "Mylanta" antacid tablet and that would terminate them and stop them from turning into a full blown afib attack. When I had a 24 hour pH study a few years back I had one of these mini afibs while hooked up to the pH monitor and the mini afib occured at the same time as the pH monitor in my esophagus recorded an extremely high acid reading so I think they are definately GERD related.

Have a great Christmas and Happy New Year.

Dean in Sydney.
Mike F. V42
Re: For Mike F. V42
December 25, 2003 02:46AM

Thanks for taking the time and trouble to comment - much appreciated. I too am absolutely sure that GERD and AF are indeed related. My upper digestive tract woes commenced some 17 years ago with ectopy following soon thereafter with AF a later arrival about 7 years ago.

Have a good Xmas and New Year too Dean.

Mike F.
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