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Holiday Heart Syndrome
December 23, 2003 04:36AM
Just a friendly reminder (especially to myself) during this festive season, excessive alcohol can bring on Afib in otherwise normal hearts.
Happy Holidays and Steady Beats to all,
Re: Holiday Heart Syndrome
December 23, 2003 06:07AM
Hi Scott, and thanks for the reminder. I am definately one triggered by alcohol.

I spent 20 years working in cardiac intensive care units and/or running arrhythmia clinic. We used to call CCU "The Lonely Hearts Club" over the Christmas and New Years holidays. In addition to alcohol, stress is a big factor. Rushing here, rushing there, is my gift good enough, or I wish I could send something, I wish I could be there, I know they expect me. My check comes in on Wednesday, I wonder if Wll Mart will still be open. Oh, no I forgot to send a card to Fran, now it won't get there in time.

All those things bring on afib and, believe it or not, heart attack. We had more MIs over the holidays than any other time. The unit was always full to capacity with overflow. We always spilled over into other areas with our broken hearts, desires, unfulfilled wishes and anxiety.

Another reason to chill out, enjoy and not stress about it.

Wishing you all a peaceful, serene, healthy holiday season,

Mike F. V42
Re: Holiday Heart Syndrome
December 23, 2003 09:52AM
Wise words Pam and all the best to you for Christmas and the new year.

Mike F.
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