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...new to forum!!!!
December 22, 2003 02:31PM
...Hello....New to this forum ...been in "Laf" for about 5 yrs ...tried everything and not much help!!!!....On Tambocor and Atenolol and Coumadin....Had Maze (sp?) about 2 yrs ago....Today after physican visit going on "Amiodarone" for month till "Left side Ablation end of January!....anyone want to make a suggestion about all of this????...Chuck
Bob G
Re: ...new to forum!!!!
December 22, 2003 02:53PM
Chuck....Just got back from my ablation today. had it friday. it is a breeze..Was really scared, and all for nothing. It was a breeze. have had Afib for a long time with many problems, including pacemaker, AV node ablation. an over ride pacemaker which put me into heart failure, and hours and hours and days of fib not being able to function. I wound up being in small percentage who have 5 Pulmonary Viens, and had all five burns plus other areas he did. Over a hundred burns to help me. I am in Florida and have found a great Dr in south floirda at the Florida Cleveland Clinic. Keep your chin up and go for it. It gets safer every day

Bob G
Re: ...new to forum!!!!
December 22, 2003 03:29PM
Chuck - where did you have the Maze procedure? What are the comments about your situation now - especially after the maze? Do they think a left side ablation was not done with the maze? Details?

January isn't far off - so hang in there. Those of us who have had the PVI which is on the left side are benefiting from this procedure.

Need more info. Jackie
Mike F. V42
Re: ...new to forum!!!!
December 23, 2003 03:46AM
Yeah Chuck...... I'm a bit baffled too - thought that - whilst somewhat risky - the maze was the gold standard for ridding folks of AF (98% success). More info please...............

Mike F.
Glenn Camp
Re: ...new to forum!!!!
December 23, 2003 10:09PM
Dang Chuck! I thought MAZE was the way to go.....been reading that it's 95-98% successful. Man I'm glad to know.
I'm a long time afibber myself. I have my third twin lead pacemaker. This one has the 'overdrive' gizwhitchy to keep me from feeling when I'm in afib. It seemed to help close to 10-11 months but doesn't do anything to help now.
Chuck you said ........ "an over ride pacemaker which put me into heart failure,...." were you mean 'overdrive' pacemaker? An overdrive is what I have. The EP and cardiologist keep telling me my pacemaker is doing what it's designed to do. I told them if it's doing what it's designed to do I would sure like for it to do the correct thing it's designed to do.

Chuck, keep us posted please.

oh well, and the beat goes on and on and on......

Glenn Camp
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