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Help - a very delicate problem
December 22, 2003 01:52PM
This is very embarassing but desperate problem requires desperate solutions! Am 47 yo and have A-Fib for four years. Over last three have had to use propanerol daily, 2.5mg emcor. And for last two years used Flecanide daily, starting at 100mg daily and now 250mg daily.
A-Fib reasonably well controlled BUT recently have erectile problems and wondering if it might be due to the propanerol, and if so should I stop. Or might it be the Flecanide. I realise it could be neither. Can Vaigra be used with A-Fib or are there herbal remedies such as saw palmetto.

All replies gratefully received.
Re: Help - a very delicate problem
December 22, 2003 03:31PM
Gerry - what does your cardiologist say about Viagra and your meds?
Have you done a search for the specific drugs and the side effects?

Re: Help - a very delicate problem
December 22, 2003 03:58PM

I lost my libido on beta blockers, and lost about all desires to do anything, for that matter, but flecainide has not affected me in that way. The aminos histadine and arginine are known to help this condition. Viagra somehow effects the nitric oxide enzyme to allow performance. Nitric oxide is derived from arginine. Do a search on the internet about these two aminos, and you may find some pertinent info.

Hope this helps,

Re: Help - a very delicate problem
December 22, 2003 06:15PM
Why is it embarrassing? The existence of the penis, whether flaccid or erect, is now widely acknowledged.

Beta blockers block the beta receptors in the smooth muscle arterial walls feeding the penis. These receptors, if not blocked, can promote arterial wall relaxation and increased blood flow into the penis. Beta blockers reduce this effect, resulting in weaker erections.
Re: Help - a very delicate problem
December 22, 2003 06:49PM
Arginine has done a great job for me of overcoming the effects of Norpace. It took a couple of weeks, but it has worked well thus far.
Re: Help - a very delicate problem
December 23, 2003 12:10AM
It may not be the Afib. The big study on teenagers having less sex has apparently caused everyone to wonder why? I suggest that you stop watching television commercials, then you will not be inundated with Viagra, HIV, panty liner, bladder problems and other female hygiene product ads. It is a wonder that anyone wants to have sex at all.
Re: Help - a very delicate problem
December 23, 2003 05:51AM
Gerry - A while back, this same question was posed and I believe another Gerry - with a "J" posted that Viagra was contraindicated but also suggested the natural remedies.

As Denny and Richard posts - Arginine is very effective for both men and women. It's just an amino acid so shouldn't have any interactions with drugs. Go for it.

Beta Blockers are bad news for both sexes. Jackie
Re: Help - a very delicate problem
December 23, 2003 12:44PM
I suspect your problem is caused by the beta blocker you are taking. Several years ago I read the results of a study of sexual sides effects of blood pressure medications. All the beta blockers, except for betaxolol, were found to cause impotency in some--but not all--men.
My personal experience supports there finding. I switched to betaxolol (10mg/day) over three years and have had no adverse sexual side effects.
Ask your doctor to try betaxolol.
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