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Glenn Camp
not new topic but need answer
December 21, 2003 08:51PM
I've been reading about what many of you say about magnesium glycinate and taurine. From what some of you say, it decreases the frequency and lowers the severity of afib, is that correct? My question is..... what is recommeded dosages of each product? Are doses calculated on one's weight?
Any feedback will be appreciated.

I'm disappointed to read that it takes excessive time from inception of proceedings for proceeding with an ablation until the procedure is performed.

Evidently there is a huge shortage of Dr's who actually are qualified versus many others who haven't quite reached the top yet.

Glenn Camp
Re: not new topic but need answer
December 21, 2003 11:06PM

I'm sorry to hear you are having a problem with arrhythmias this weekend. You might be served by identifying and eliminating possible food culprits. We're all different, but if you're eating any processed foods, they could have hidden MSG or free glutamate which is excitory. They could also have sulfites, as well. Also, any sugars, breads, rice, potatoes, or dairy with sugars could be causing insulin peaks. If you're sticking with healthy proteins, salads, and vegetables, then the above may not be an issue. As for taking magnesium (Mg), you would have to work up to higher dosages, and none of us are using weight as a marker. In leiu of Jackie's recent post on taurine, I would suggest you take Mg. glycinate by Metagenics, as well as, Mg. taurate. That way you get the best of both. Gradually increase, starting with 100mg per day of each one, with meals, and work up to about 800-1000mg until you start experiencing diarrhea, then back down again to about 600mg day. If you start experiencing more problems, then back down, as well. It is equally important to take a good multi vitamin, because Mg. does not work alone in the body. Other important nutrients are Vit C, maybe extra B12 and folate if you experience indigestion, fish oil daily, when not eating fish, and the amino alpha lipoic acid. This will get you started. I go to www.aminoacidpower.com to order my vitamins, and do this because I use the doctor that has the website. There is much information to read there, as well. You can get alpha lipoic at the health food store. I take a lot more supplements than what I have presented here, and am still on flecainide, as well, which works well for me. I wish I could use it on demand, but my situation is flutter, and it can be hard to convert. As you may have read already, I changed my diet, and have experienced a profound difference. I plan on getting off flecainide once I get my body back into optimum shape, and that is what I'm striving for.

Hope this helps some,
Re: not new topic but need answer
December 22, 2003 05:12AM
Glen -

Regarding dosage of magnesium glycinate.... you actually can begin with 100 mg with every meal...and work up from there....like every 4 or 5 days if you feel fine. The only downside to magnesium supplementation is bowel intolerance or loose stools. Correction - anyone with kidney disease or impairment should not take magnesium supplements without supervisionof their physician.

I worked up to about 1000 mg a day of mag glycinate over a period of about 3 weeks. Then I backed down to 800 because of the bowel thing. When you start the bowel intolerance, it is said to be an indication you have reach saturation with magnesium.

The Metagenics Mag Glycinate is a patented product designed for maximum absorption via the intestine without bowel intolerance.

Once the afib stopped - (I was still on flecanide but had no breakthrough arrhythmia) I then maintained at 600 mg.

About that time, I discovered the magnesium taurate and I now take 3 mag glycinate from Metagenics and 3 mag taurate from CardioVascular Research (which I order online from the Vitamin Shoppe.com) - plus I get magnesium from diet an my well water.

In people who have insufficient magnesium stores in the body, it will take the higher doses to bring them up to the level they need and the extra doses then will help sustain the level necessary for proper function.... because certain influences are a constant drain of magnesium stores...so we have to go beyond what is considered adequate for most people.

Stress is a huge depletor of magnesium - and it can be any kind of stress - physical, emotional, environmental, psychological.

Feel free to continue to ask more questions.

Re: Questions
December 22, 2003 06:13AM
Glenn, keep asking questions. Considering the abysmal state of medical knowledge regarding afib, you may get better answers from us than from the medical profession. Most doctors mean well, but they are blinded by their educations. I think they are taught in school that everything worth knowing is in their textbooks, and that defines anything not in the textbooks as not worth knowing. Those who do not subscribe to this belief do not succeed in medical school, and thus do not become doctors. The ones who get afib themselves begin to see the fallacy in the belief, and a lot of the respondents here have medical backgrounds. Also those of us without medical educations have mostly decided that if we are going to get help for this, we will have to provide it ourselves, and are educating ourselves extensively on this and related subjects.

All the best to you.

Glenn Camp
Re: Questions
December 23, 2003 09:56PM
I sure do thank all of you for your responses.

My diet consists of only "fresh" vegetables and fruits, nothing canned or packaged. In other words, nothing with a label on it. I eat no beef, pork, poultry, ....only coldwater fish either baked, broiled or grilled. Nothing smoked on a grill either. I drink only distilled or reverse osmosis treated water. I also take electrolyte crystals formulated by Dr. T.C. McDaniels in Cincinnati, Ohio. I take extreme care in consumming as many anions (negative charges) as possible, because I get plenty of cations (positive charges) in many things as well. Too many positives thicken the blood and negative repels red blood cells and thins the blood.
I'm sure many of you know that coumadin thickens the blood because it is positively charged and positive attract.

Oh well, all this is a different subject.

Peggy, you are absolutely right about doctors. It is definitely up to us to try to figure things out for our benefit. I know, because some of my closest friends are doctors.

Merry Charistmas
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