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Glenn Camp
more attacks
December 21, 2003 07:32PM
Well well well, what do you know, I had a mild attack this past Friday evening that lasted approximately three hours, another all morning long Saturday, another Sunday morning about four hours long, another Sunday evening that started around 5 pm that is just now sort of tapering off and it's 10:30 pm. When I say 'mild' I'm talking about feeling rotten during all the irregular beats. These were all accompanied by some bad feeling PVC's as well.

I sure hate hear that it takes so long to get 'set up' with a good Dr. for ablations.

and the beat goes on and on and on............

Glenn Camp
Re: more attacks
December 22, 2003 05:17AM
Glen - I don't recall that what you said about how long you've had afib, but I'm not at all sure that it would be a good thing to jump right in and have an ablation. I'm not even sure that an EP will do it for you based on "desire." They usually do ablation after the person has tried the drug routine and it has become ineffective or it is severely interferring with one's lifestyle.

When you start afib - try taking a couple magnesium capsules or tablets. Often, that is enough to either lessen or stop the event - especially if you are a newbie at afib.

Good luck.

Glenn Camp
Re: more attacks
December 23, 2003 10:00PM
Jackie, how about if I told you I have had afib for the past thirty-two and one-half years. I have taken every medicine there has ever been introduced for controling this mess. I have become almost completely debilitated the past couple of months, like not being able to go anywhere by myself.....hardly leave the house now.

So, yes I think it's past time to have a PVA(I)

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