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Global Happy Holidays!
December 21, 2003 05:49AM
Global Happy Holidays!

I wish every reader on the BB a Special Holiday Season, blessed with Peace and Joy.

Thank you all for your caring support this past year. May we all have peaceful hearts in the year 2004.

Thank you, Hans, for providing this medium of support. We are all the richer for it.

Most sincerely, Jackie
Hans Larsen
Re: Global Happy Holidays!
December 21, 2003 09:14AM
Thank you Jackie and thank you all for your participation and support during the year. I join Jackie in wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season and all the best, including lots of afib-free time, for 2004. I have a feeling that we may be making some major breakthroughs in the not too distant future.

Re: Global Happy Holidays!
December 21, 2003 09:42AM
Thanks you, Hans for your very capable management of the web site and the intelligent analysis of the findings. I, for one, would be quite lost without this web site.

Wishing you a pleasant Christmas and a productive - and therefore satisfying - New Year!

Re: Global Happy Holidays!
December 21, 2003 12:21PM
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and newfound knowledge for the New Year. May we get to the "heart" of this matter that challenges all of us daily. May each of us find the strength, courage and dedication to give our body what it needs, and know, that whatever we put into it, is what we get out of it. May all of you be blessed for your dedication in trying to help each of us, through your kindness and sharing of knowledge. May we each acknowledge and appreciate the people that remain here, to serve and help others through their own experiences of eliminating AF. And above all, I cannot thank you enough, Hans, for the time and expense you put into the management of this website and the surveys that you do, not failing to mention the very informative book you wrote.

But most of all, I must give utmost recognition to my creator. He has been there with me every step of the way, guiding me, teaching me, carrying me, loving me, and giving me purpose. As hard as it is to believe, I know what has happened is for a purpose, and I shall not let him down, for he has given me the fortitude, will, mind, and friendships here, to help figure this out. All my love and respect God.

Re: Global Happy Holidays!
December 21, 2003 01:57PM
Merry merry happy happy joy joy to all who contribute to this GREAT forum.Once again,thanks to Hans for making this place available to anyone who has an internet connection on this big planet.To all,an afib free 04`.
Re: Global Happy Holidays!
December 21, 2003 04:12PM
Wishing you all a Happy and afib free Holiday, and many, many thanks to all of you for the help I have been given throughout the passing year.

"He came to pay a debt He didn't owe
because we owed a debt we couldn't pay."

Re: Global Happy Holidays!
December 22, 2003 04:12AM
Wishing all the afibbers Merry Everything and Happy Always. Special thanks to Hans. This is something we can never say about, "now I know it all". There are always new ideas and those incredible tidbits that the doctors don't seem to know about. If I was suddenly cured, I think I would still log on and contribute, as I also gain something from the "Newbies", and that is the reminder of things that I have been so frightened by and didn't understand, and I think it keeps us ever mindful of where we have been.

To all: Good luck and Blessings for 2004; I think we are all headed
"Towards A Cure".

Chris H
Re: Global Happy Holidays!
December 22, 2003 06:35AM
Merry Christmas
The Internet is a wonderful medium, which should remain totally uncensored, even with various evil entities as part of it. I have gained much support from this site and continue to try the minerals and supplements in conjunction with modern drugs, although at times you do feel like you are losing the battle.
A new year is upon us PVA is increasing in momentum, thanks to all of you who have undergone the procedure. I personally think that the main “cure” is going to be an operable procedure, but have no doubt that supplementation will keep the heart in good shape for this.
I am going to try stress management to keep my anxiety levels low and try my best to recognise the condition, as it is, maybe not let it occupy my mind so that it dominates my life.
I ride a motorbike every day in all weathers and there is far more chance of me dying from that than AF.
I am going to be more positive and not let this thing drag me down.
All in all have a good one and look forward to a new year, which brings us ever closer to a cure.
Chris H
Don R.
Re: Global Happy Holidays!
December 22, 2003 08:19AM
To everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. To those who have contributed so much to those who have sought out answers to many questions that have been of serious concern to those with limited understanding of this malady.....God's blessings to you. You are very much appreciated way beyond what words can express.

Don R.
Mike F. V42
Re: Global Happy Holidays!
December 22, 2003 10:01AM
Thanks to one and all here on this caring and sharing forum so kindly and ably afforded to us by Hans - I don't even want to think where I would be psychologically without the kindness and support I find here with all you guys and gals. OK, so I may overdo it a bit at times as regards obsessing here at the PC about AF and ectopy, but I ABSOLUTELY KNOW that I am far far better off as a result of communing with all of you here as opposed to blindly stumbling on in a state of relative ignorance and panic. I too believe that relief for AF sufferers is not too far around the corner, so in the meantime let's continue to help each other to hang in there with this unwelcome visitor which plagues (or has plagued) us all to a lesser or greater degree.

Best seasonal wishes to Hans and all,

Mike F.
Re: Global Happy Holidays!
December 22, 2003 11:17AM
Let me say AMEN to all the posts I've just read, and add my own gratitude and good wishes for all of you. Let us trust that God is with us and help is on the way. In the meantime we can help keep each other informed, light hearted, and peaceful of mind. I think the work that is done here is being related to doctors and they may catch on soon enough to help us and others.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year
Re: Global Happy Holidays!
December 22, 2003 02:33PM
Everybodys invited to my place for eggnog tonight..
Re: Global Happy Holidays!
December 22, 2003 03:20PM

Is that OK Fran, Richard, Jackie?
Re: Global Happy Holidays!
December 22, 2003 03:49PM
Hey Sammy - Count me in! I'd love to come, What time?

Pam - a little treat now an then is better than total denial and all those negative feelings of deprivation. Moderation. Everything in moderation.

Now...about Fran.... I'll bet she'll say..... no no no. winking smiley Just kidding, Fran.

Cheers to all.

Re: Global Happy Holidays!
December 22, 2003 04:54PM
Thank you Sammy
The egg is ok but the Nog is a No No for me, not ruining 21 years sobriety for a little Nog. And no Jackie I don't feel one bit deprived at all just very thankfull to be rid of that monster.

God bless you all .... Ella who would rather be in afib than back in the alcholic state.
Re: Global Happy Holidays!
December 22, 2003 06:17PM
Allright fine..fine.You`re all invited over for EGGS...Hold the nog..It just wont be as festive but I guess I could whip up some over easy or scrambled.
Re: Global Happy Holidays!
December 23, 2003 07:48AM
Been told to hold the eggs sigh!!! watch the Cholestrol

When's the next flight out of Heathrow..........HHHmmmmmm i don't drink can i have errrrrrrrr Water please......Shloer tastes nice just fruity drink.

Well gang if it wasn't for all you good friends all over the world and Hans for making this site work for us i for one wouldn't know what to do ..even though i can't understand a lot i get the gist and feeling so much better than i did 6 months ago.

I raise my glass to you all and wish you all good health for the new year to

Re: Global Happy Holidays!
December 23, 2003 08:07AM
Hold the Egg. Serve up the Nog. Babs has just volunteered to be the DD

"HHHmmmmmm i don't drink can i have errrrrrrrr Water please......Shloer tastes nice just fruity drink."

Re: Global Happy Holidays!
December 23, 2003 12:38PM
Ahhh egg nog. Sammi I would love one but am going to resist just now.
Maybe in 10 years of no AF etc I will try one, or the day I get diagnosed with something terminal. My dad used to drink egg nog and I would lick his glass clean. Whats in it again? I can smell it just sitting here.

Happy holidays to you all

Re: Global Happy Holidays!
December 23, 2003 01:06PM
So thats it..............were all going to Sammy's no excuse.

I'll bring the smoked salmon and crackers.

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