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Tom Hopkins
To Chew or Not to Chew
December 19, 2003 06:07PM
Somewhere I read that when taking magnesium glycinate the tablets should be chewed (to aid in absorption evidently). I've been doing this even though it's an unpleasant although tolerable taste and feeling, requiring a lot of water to wash down. I take 100 mg four times a day. Give me some feedback on this if you are on this regimen, please. Thanks!
Re: To Chew or Not to Chew
December 20, 2003 02:02AM
Personally i haven't been chewing them. I just down em, and they seem to be doing all right, but how could i know what they are doing anyway?
Re: To Chew or Not to Chew
December 20, 2003 04:04AM
I don't think it matters if you chew them, as all the magnesium will be absorbed regardless. Those who take an antiarrhythmic drug "as needed" crush them for more rapid absorption because they are at the bursting onslaught of the miserable beast.

Re: To Chew or Not to Chew
December 20, 2003 04:43AM
Tom - I've never chewed - never read it either(at least I don't remember reading it ) but my MD crushes the tablets for her magnesium deficient daughter (big tablets - smallchild) and puts it in applesauce. So I guess it doesn't hurt the action of the magnesium...just as if the ingredients would be powdered in a capsule as is the magnesium glycinate from Pure Encapsulations.

John S.
Re: To Chew or Not to Chew
December 20, 2003 12:54PM

The mag glycinate from Kirkman is also in capsule form.
Tom Hopkins
Re: To Chew or Not to Chew
December 20, 2003 07:30PM
Thanks for your input fellow travelers. I'm waiting to hear from someone out there who would have been on the same web site as I was to get this suggestion about chewing the tablets. It sounds like an unnecessary action or you that are concerned would have known about the efficacy of crushing.
Glenn Camp
Re: To Chew or Not to Chew
December 21, 2003 11:19AM
I've only heard of magnesium glycinate in recent days since I've been visiting these sites. Is it taken for arrythymias? One of my cardiologists has me taking magnesium gluconate liquid, but I haven't been able to tell if it helps arrythymias or not. It does help prevent leg cramps from the lose of losing too many electrolytes through excessive urination.

Glenn Camp
Re: To Chew or Not to Chew
December 21, 2003 05:49PM
Glenn, there has been a really lot of discussion here on Mg glycinate, too much for me to summarize. Type "magnesium glycinate" into the search function above. Its worth reading up on, believe me. Some people, myself included, have found that it makes afib episodes few, far apart, and mild. I hope it works that way for you too. I have been hearing your pain and frustration in your posts. My heart goes out to you. Information i got from reading the old posts has been very, very helpful to me in managing afib better. I hope it works that way for you too. Whatever surgery you decide to have, it will be a while before you can get it arranged. Maybe you can make yourself more comfortable in the meantime. At the very least you can understand it better.

Yours for more NSR,

Glenn Camp
Re: To Chew or Not to Chew
December 21, 2003 07:25PM
I mistakenly said in an earlier post that ..... 'one of my cardiologists has me taking magnesium gluconate.' This is in error. I should have said magnesium MAGONATE, not gluconate.

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