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I'm Off Coumadin
December 19, 2003 11:34AM
Want to share some really good news. Going off Coumadin for good (hopefully) today!! Started on the stuff April 13, 1999. What a fantastic Christmas gift. I'm actually tearing up. It has been such a tremendous burden and now it's gone.

I got a message that my 30 day event monitor showed no afib and some PVC'S. And Dr. Natale said it's ok to stop Coumadin. Today!!!

I started the 30 day monitor right after my 3 month checkup because of feelings of afib during the night.

Will pray that the rest of you can feel as free as I feel now.

Merry Christmas!
Re: I'm Off Coumadin
December 19, 2003 11:57AM
Just wanted to express gratitude to Dr. Natale and all the other people involved in getting me beyond this afib, including Hans and you who are out there reading and sharing. Because as you all know, it's really hard to try and share these experiences with people who haven't been through it.
Re: I'm Off Coumadin
December 19, 2003 12:12PM
Congratulations. It was around xmas that I finally managed to get off my meds - so I know what you mean about the best xmas present.

Hows this for getting stuck in routines. Every once in a while when going to bed or going out in the morning I get into a time warp and think did I take my meds. I just love that feeling when I realise I don't need to take them anymore. Makes me warm all over.

Re: I'm Off Coumadin
December 19, 2003 01:23PM
Congrats njb I feel your relief!

Fran I do the same thing, even after 3 years off meds, I was taking a dose at 4pm and some days at 4 pm I feel like there is something I'm suposed to do, yes it is a good feeling not to take meds.

Re: I'm Off Coumadin
December 19, 2003 02:32PM
njb - Wonderful news - I'm so envious. Can't wait to get off Coumadin...

I'm so happy that things are going well for you. I agree about this medium and the support. It does get us through the rough times. While I don't have my all clear yet, I, too, am grateful for the skill and knowledge of Dr. Natale and his staff. I was fortunate to have access to them.

Have the merriest of Holiday Seasons - and the best New Year ever...coming up... and lasting for the rest of your life. New Beginnings are wonderful.

Kind regards, Jackie
Re: I'm Off Coumadin
December 19, 2003 11:01PM



Re: I'm Off Coumadin
December 19, 2003 11:53PM

EXCELLENT! Have a fantastic 2004! "No coumadin" is my dream.

Re: I'm Off Coumadin
December 20, 2003 04:12AM
Well done njb. I know you will be basking in new found freedom. Indeed, FREEDOM is a beautiful word.

Stay well,
and have a Merry Christmas,
and an AFfree New Year,
Jim W.
Re: I'm Off Coumadin
December 20, 2003 05:12PM

Hey, man, good for you. Rat poison really isn't so good for us, is it? (Slurping it down 15mg 4 days/week & 10mg 3days/week). What a great feeling-just kiddding....

Re: I'm Off Coumadin
December 20, 2003 05:32PM
Thanks everyone!

Jim, I was once up to 12mg 3x/wk and 10mg x/week. I think it was in the summer when I was eating lots of fresh veggies and fruits. Seemed like I was constantly on a roller coaster with my INR level. Often getting my blood tested 3 x month.

Again, Merry Christmas!
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