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Glaucoma & Warfarin
December 19, 2003 07:03AM
Just to add my experience to your data. I know Glaucoma & Warfarin has been discussed b4.

My pressure has been borderline at 23 for 10 years. On Oct 31 I went on Warfarin. On Nov 17 my pressure was 29 and I was told to come back Dec 19 (today) to check it again with the probability of going on medication for the Glaucoma.

I went off Warfarin (for dental work) on Dec 12 (1 week ago). Today my pressure is 21 and I don't need the medication.

Just another thing to watch for if you need to be on Warfarin.

Re: Glaucoma & Warfarin
December 19, 2003 06:58PM
My experience with glaucoma.

I was was seeing a ophthalmolgist for years and taking medication
for increased intraocular pressure to keep it in check. Then came
antiarrhythmic drugs (rythmol was first). I had some optic nerve
damage (Dr. was surprised). Went to specialist for glaucoma and
had the laser procedure to treat it. My presure stayed at about 19,
and Dr put me on more eye drops and it kept my presure down.
Then I had my PVI ablation and needed no more drugs. I went to
my Opthalmolgist for check up and was off antiarrhythma drugs for 10 months and my pressure was lower than it has been for 20 years.(14)
I'm still on warfarin but hope to be off of it in 4 months.
Maybe the laser procedure did work? Dr. is not taking me off eye
drops yet.

Re: Glaucoma & Warfarin
December 22, 2003 07:29AM
Thanks Gwen
Your experience makes me realize I need to be careful here. If I decide to stay on Warfarin, I'll have a pressure check again to see if I need Glaucoma drops.

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