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Has anyone tried sweet talk
December 18, 2003 05:11AM
Hi everyone
Just thought I'd share what I just discovered. It has worked twice so far.
Just as I was goin into Afib I started sweet talking my heart. Not out loud but with a very nurturing feeling as though talking to frightened child.

My heart calmed right down. I hope this works for others. I hope it keeps working for me too.

Merry Christmas
Wishing you Silent Nights and gentle hearts
Re: Has anyone tried sweet talk
December 18, 2003 07:23AM

That's an excellent idea. It calms the mind and focuses the thoughts on calming the heart, as well. Thank you.

Re: Has anyone tried sweet talk
December 18, 2003 10:06AM
I do something along those lines...I picture a peaceful landscape, and concentrate on my breathing. So far, its really helping me beat the pre-flutters....but now that I thjink about it, I'm also thinking to myself "calm down..." Ahh, the power of suggestion!

Re: Has anyone tried sweet talk
December 18, 2003 11:26AM
That is an excellent example of the mind - body connection!

I will try it. Thank you so much.

Kent S
Re: Has anyone tried sweet talk
December 18, 2003 01:30PM
A healer suggested this:

"In my human sacred heart I feel and accept my love"

I haven't done this in a while - thanks for the reminder.

Happy Holidays to Everyone!

Thank you all for sharing yourselves. It really makes a difference over here.

Kent S
Re: Has anyone tried sweet talk
December 18, 2003 02:04PM
That make me think about " Heartmath" . Has anyone tryed it ?
I did'nt .

More information on Heartmath.com .

Glenn Camp
Re: Has anyone tried sweet talk
December 18, 2003 07:57PM
I've heard it all. Evidently my Afib'ng heart pays no attention to how sweet I talk to it. I've told it.... 'alright, enough of this' and it pays no attention to me. Everyone who claims to have Afib and says they live a "normal" life sure do not have the kind of Afib I have. There is no way on this planet that anyone can live a "normal" life suffering from this mess. Makes me wonder if I'm dying it's so bad. I wish there was a Dr. Natale or someone like him in Texas. Or I wish there was someone in Texas that did Maze or Minimaze. I past ready to have something done. Just can't travel any distances because of Afib is so bad. PVC's are really bad.

Oh well.....enough of that again.
Glenn Camp
December 18, 2003 08:12PM
Try humming during afib-------I'm finding this is helping a little..........
Re: Glenn
December 19, 2003 07:55AM
The "gentle talking to one's heart," (not getting angry or frustrated with one's heart, Glenn) and the humming mentioned above by Elaine and Debbie may be other ways of doing centuries old Yogic Alternative Breathing, that is supposed to balance the sympathetic and para -sympathetic branches of the nervous system.

These practices should also put the mind and body in touch.

Re: Glenn
December 19, 2003 08:06AM
Dear Glenn,

I'm afraid that I haven't followed your previous posts, so what I am about to ask may be unnecessary. I sense your frustration and commiserate with you. However, getting churned up about this affliction tends to make it worse.

So, I ask -

Have you tried magnesium glycinate supplementation?
What is your potassium intake through food?

Glenn Camp
Re: Glenn
December 21, 2003 11:47AM
Carol, I asked the question about magnesium glycinate in one of the posts above. Since the first of October, all my electrolytes such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, etc., have been checked very closely. When a Dr. tells me my electrolytes look fine, I ask what are the readings of each. If it is a new Dr or specialist, they look at me and ask a goofy question why I want to know. I look back at the a little bit goofier and say because it's important what each level is. I ask them the question....if you start out on a trip in a car do you want to start with a tank partially filled or with a full tank? Then they tell me what each level is. So yes, I have been keeping a weekly count of all my electrolytes.

However, I haven't heard about the magnesium glycinate supplementation until I read it on this board.

In May 2001, a doctor in Dallas told me to take Magnesium Malate the rest of my life and that would help regulate my heart rhythym. Well I have been and it hasn't. Now it might be worse if I didn't take it, who knows.

I would like to know how the Magnesium Glycinate regimen is supposed to benefit me.

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