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December 17, 2003 08:07PM
Have you seen this website?

Re: AF/Aflutter
December 18, 2003 02:09AM
Thanks, Debbi, that was very interesting reading. I've always found it helpful to know what doctors themselves are taught about whatever is wrong with me. It helps to understand why they recommend what they do.
Re: AF/Aflutter
December 18, 2003 06:50AM
Thanks, Debbie
You are so good at finding these sites that give so much information that I can actually read and understand (for the most part).

I need so much reassurance to go against what my doctors are recommending and I want to convince them to give me their seal of approval, even if reluctantly.

The more confident I am, the better shot I have. I have to admit, I'm still a little shaky. I have to be sure that what I'm wanting is what's best for me even if it's not what's easiest. I also have to convince myself that I can be as strong as Fran, if necessary, to win this battle.

Re: AF/Aflutter
December 18, 2003 07:11AM
Elaine, if you get a hostile response, it is often helpful to immediately say something to the effect of: "doctor, you seem angry to me. What makes you angry about what i just said?" Sometimes this will get you a better response, or at least some explanation. Sometimes they will come to themselves and summon a better response.

Sometimes, too, you may just need to get another doctor. Best of luck to you.

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