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Jim W.
Two Months Post Ablation
December 17, 2003 11:24AM
Two Months Post Ablation

On October 17 I had my ablation at the CCF with Dr. Natale. I was taken off norpace, but continued with 240mg dilitazem, coumadin, and 20 mg lipitor was prescribed. Before the ablation I was in AF 80% of the time, but that percentage was cut in half(40% of the time) after taking 300mg norpace twice a day. The first month was pretty rough, starting the first night in the hospital. I didn’t sleep much, if at all. After the drugs wore
off, my chest hurt, especially when I took a deep breath. Actually I couldn’t take a complete full breath because it just hurt too much. I had a fever of 101. No one seemed to know why, and when I left the hospital I still had a fever of around 100. The pain was completely gone in 48 hours and I was able to take full deep breaths in 72 hours. The morning I left Cleveland I started having a lot of PACs, & by the time I got on the plane I
was in full blown AF! It lasted 12 hours. That episode was the first of eleven episodes I had during the first month. The episodes ranged in duration from 1 minute(only one) to 24 hours. After a time I started using norpace on demand, and the last episode of the first month lasted 3 hours. In total, I was in AF 71 hours 21 minutes. I developed a dry cough
almost immediately after the ablation, and was told it would most likely go away within the first month. It was gone by the end of the 6th week. Eventhough I knew I was in the “healing” period, I certainly didn’t think I would be having this much AF, and was beginning to feel defeated and somewhat depressed. I want to thank all of you who supported me during that time-it meant a lot.

The second month has been completely different. On Nov 20th I went into AF again, took norpace, and the episode lasted 2 1/2 hours. That was the last time I have had to take norpace. I have been FREE of AF for the last 27 glorious days!! I haven’t gone this long in NSR in over 13 years.

I've had several instances where I thought I was going into AF again. On Dec 8th I just returned home from my usual walk, was thristy, and took a drink of a cold, carbonated cola(natural-of course). I immediately felt some PACs & this old familiar feeling of dread suddenly came over me, and I just knew I was going into AF. I even told my wife I was in AF. I walked into the bedroom, sat down, and took my pulse. I was in NSR! The whole event lasted about 30 seconds. I may have been in AF for a few seconds, or it was just a string of PACs, I don’t really don’t know or care at this point. I know normally I would have been in AF for two or three days(pre ablation). There was another time in the early morning, while I was sleeping, having an interesting dream. The phone rang and it startled me. I felt my heart skip a few beats(or something) for a second or two, then NSR. Here again I would usually go into AF and stay there for a day or two, or three. The other day at the office, I had this “feeling” I was going to go into AF(no PACs or anything), but nothing happened. I walked into another room, took my pulse to make sure. I was in NSR. I still have PACs, or what I call “thuds” once in a while, but really nothing to think about. My heart actually feels different. It seems smoother, & the interesting thing is I don’t seem to notice it even being there like I used too. I have now been off dilitazem for two days & do not plan to go back on it unless my heart rate goes through the roof. At this time, my rate is a steady 68. I am also discontinuing lipitor, but will remain on coumadin another month.

How long will this last? Am I “cured”? I haven’t the foggiest. Just taking it a day at a time. I have gone from being cautiously optimistic to VERY optimistic.

Now, after saying all of this I may go back into AF. If I do, you people will be the first to know.

Peace & good tidings,


PS - Concerning the CCF heart monitoring system: I agree with Newman. It definitely needs improvement. The first time I called was on Sunday(as soon as I got home), and the second time was at night around 11:00pm. The person who answered told me he couldn’t take my rhythm strip unless it was an emergency. I wasn’t in a very good frame of mind at the time and told him what I thought about the situtation. He got a doctor on
the phone who did take my rhythm. He seemed concerned, was nice, and told me I should call during “hours”- meaning Mon-Fri 8-5, otherwise the call would go to the emergency department which somehow handled monitoring cases differently. WHAT? So, after that I sort of felt like the whole thing was a joke-sort of a “hand holding” device. After a while I didn’t call sometimes when I was in AF. I did call quite a few times
though, but thereafter only during hours. I became known as the trouble maker because I was always in AF when I called. I actually forgot to call last week, but it has been nice to call while in NSR-especially after that first month.
Re: Two Months Post Ablation
December 17, 2003 11:59AM
Hey Jim,

Congratulations on your progress. Today is my one month anniversary of a PVA at CCF with Natale. I'll write a fuller report in a separate posting. I just wanted to tell you how happy I am for you. My first three weeks were superb - 21 days in NSR - longest in 5 years! But the last week has been a nightmare, including among other things, a trip to the ER. I've been in afib or "bigeminy" (new term for me) the whole fourth week. Not what I was hoping for, of course.

Your experience has given me hope that the second month might be better for me. I've been discouraged the past week. I know they tell us to wait for the whole three months, but it's tougher than it sounded at first. Along with the bigeminy, I have shortness of breath and some chest discomfort. Both feel different than pre-ablation to me. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.

Please keep us informed about your situation. I'm hopeful that you will be afib free for the rest of your life - another Natale success story!

Blessings and best wishes,

Re: Two Months Post Ablation
December 17, 2003 12:26PM
Congratulations Jim! This will be an especially wonderful Christmas for you. I hope that you can spend 2004 completely free. What a gift!

Best wishes,
Re: Two Months Post Ablation
December 17, 2003 04:21PM
Jim - I'm glad you are soo much better. You deserve it!
Re: Two Months Post Ablation
December 17, 2003 11:23PM


I've been rooting for you almost as much as I have been rooting for myself. The future can't be known, but you may be living proof that Michelle had it exactly right. She said have patience and wait two or three months and don't get exercised over a bunch of non-NSR heartbeats, because many people have them after ablations and end up being success stories. I've had three totally NSR days in a row now, so I am of course extra happy to hear your story.

Congratulations and good luck.


P.S. Nice post on the other channel. This isn't a turf war. We're all just looking for answers.
Re: Two Months Post Ablation
December 17, 2003 11:27PM


Hang in there. Strange things happen while your heart is healing. Keep the faith and wait the alloted time. You are probably wasting a lot of energy being depressed now.

Good luck,

Mike F. V42
Re: Two Months Post Ablation
December 18, 2003 12:06AM
Jim W, Billo, and Newman. Just to let you know I'm rooting for you guys.......... sounds a bit of a rough ride for some for the first month or two....... but give it 3 months to settle, and then another 6-12 months to REALLY settle down.

Prolonged NSR and seasonal best wishes to you guys and all other recent ablationees,

Mike F.
Re: Two Months Post Ablation
December 18, 2003 06:09AM
Jim - Wonderful news - I just knew it would be this way for you. I can feel your enthusiasm in your message and it is good to see.

Peace and Joy are truly meaningful for you this Holiday Season.

Continue to enjoy your new life. You certainly deserve it.

I'm at day 35 now with no afib. I had three rapid beats last week that certainly got my attention, but that's all they were. Nothing since.

I feel as you do - I forget to call in with the monitor and actually I find it annoying to have to do it....especially when at the other end it seems to be such an annoyance for them. I'm going to remember to write that on the evaluation form I will complete after the 3 months. Minor, sure, but as you say - they give you that thing for peace of mind and it turns out to be a joke.

The paper here said a near-by hospital's ER is closed to to overcrowding and the flu - so even if one had afib and was told to go to the ER, they would be turned away. That's a scary thought.

But on a happier note - life is good here, too. I hardly even think about afib...and look forward to getting off the flecanide and coumadin which will be fairly soon.

Best regards, Jackie
Jim W.
Re: Two Months Post Ablation
December 18, 2003 06:54AM

Many thanks for the replies. I have also been rooting for all you people. I know we can be nothing but better after this procedure & again Newman is right. We can't know the future, all we can do is wait it out-3months-the heart is going to do what it is going to do. The waiting has been harder than I realized, but every day I am beginning to believe that most likely our hearts will settle down, smooth out, and start runing like well oiled machines.

NSR to all, & Very Happy Holidays...

Re: Two Months Post Ablation
December 18, 2003 07:20AM
Best wishes, prayers, and kind thoughts to all of you who have had ablations. Do continue to take good care of yourselves and remember, that we are all not so unlucky, compared to the multitude of other problems out there.

A Very Merry Christmas to All!!!

Thanks, Jim.
Re: Two Months Post Ablation
December 18, 2003 09:02AM
Thanks to each of you for sharing your experiences. As I sit here waiting for an appointment with my EP on the 31st--and knowing that he will talk about a PVA for me, I am reading all the posts with interest and taking notes. You have helped me in so many ways: to write a list of questions, to understand the process, to go into my next appointment with more information from which to make the best decision I can. But most of all, I feel the kindess and concern for each other jump out of the words you write on this board. Even though we have never met and I rarely post, I am so grateful for all of you. I will continue to read, to learn and work to control my nervousness( which is huge right now) about this next step in my journey.

Thank you and best wishes for NSR for each of you over the holidays.

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