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Jackie, Fran -Candida question
December 17, 2003 11:09AM
Dear Jackie and Fran,

Can you please tell me what causes the rash and itching from candida die - off?

Re: Jackie, Fran -Candida question
December 18, 2003 06:28AM
Carol - I didn't have enough time this morning to do a search for a reference to this but the rash comes as a result of candida die-off and the body is getting rid of the debris.... drinking extra water is supposed to help. The skin is the largest detox area - all waste products go through the skin - and kidney and bowels...but for some reason, a detox rash is very common with candida.

I found that a hydrocortisone cream helped alot. Hated to use it but none of the other natural things I had seemed to help.

I have one favorite spot that gets the rash on the inside of one ankle and the last time I did a liver cleanse, I got a huge red, itchy rash on my chest in the area of the thymus gland. It was ugly.

If you do a google search on candida detox rash there are alot of hits that you can investigate.

Re: Jackie, Fran -Candida question
December 18, 2003 06:53AM
The only helpful thing i can offer is a simple home remedy for itchy rashes that works on poison ivy and on chigger bites, and that is to direct the low heat from a hair dryer on it. It itches furiously for an instant and then it just feels like you finally scratched that itch. On chiggers, one treatment makes the itch go away permanently. On poison ivy, it needs to be repeated at 6 to 8 hour intervals. Soaking in hot water, as hot as you can stand, does the same thing. Longer lasting and cheaper than cortisone cream, as well.
Re: Jackie, Fran -Candida question
December 18, 2003 08:23AM
Candida Albicans is a yeast infection and as such would just proliferate with the use of steroid cream. The steroid cream would just decrease your bodies response allowing proliferation of the organism. It usually responds well to any anti-fungal cream. There is much information available, even natural homeopathic remedies if you google Candida Albicans.

Good Luck,
Re: Jackie, Fran -Candida question
December 18, 2003 11:49AM
Carol I have a Aloe Vera plant and just break off a piece and rub the gel on the itchy spot, it works with mosquito bites ect. worth a try and safe and cheap.

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