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Simple Solution to Low Heart rate at Bedtime

Posted by Kelly 
Simple Solution to Low Heart rate at Bedtime
December 13, 2003 07:35PM
There's been some posts recently about low heart rate occuring at night triggering nocturnal afib. Why not just have some coffee or tea before bedtime for the caffene? What's the downside?
Re: Simple Solution to Low Heart rate at Bedtime
December 14, 2003 01:48AM
Speaking only for myself, and knowing how different afibbers are from one another, the problems with that would be:
1. I'd never go to sleep, caffeine has a very strong effect on me, even the amount in 1 cup of tea.
2. Coffee has historically brought on afib with me, within a very few minutes on the last occasion that i drank some of it.
As good as coffee still smells to me, i'm afraid to drink it.
Bob G
Re: Simple Solution to Low Heart rate at Bedtime
December 14, 2003 01:00PM
Caffeine is almost always a trigger to AFIB, maybe not until several hours or even the next day. Wouldn't count on that working, and maybe it would create more of a problem. If your heart rate gets low consistently, you may need a pacemaker. Some peoples rates are naturally or because of being in good condition lower than others. If you get into the 30's or 40's. go to the Doc.

Bob G
James D
Re: Simple Solution to Low Heart rate at Bedtime
December 15, 2003 07:23AM
Hi Kelly,
I've tried this but I've never been able to raise my heart rate a large enough amount -even with several cups of strong coffee. (I wear a heart rate monitior so have pretty good evidence). I don't believe caffeine is a trigger for me but also don't believe it raises my heart rate enought for it to be a benefit either. The only thing I've found that stops AF/ectopic activity at night is to get up an walk around. Unfortunately I've not managed to come up with a way of doing this whilst I'm asleep smiling smiley

It's certainly an easy experiment to try - it wouldn't surprise me if it helped some AFers.
James D
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