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December 01, 2003 06:21PM
Does anyone with affib who is on lanoxin (digoxin), toprol, coumadin- get periods of constant blurryness where they see everything in a blurrry (streaky) kind of way? Its not doublevision and is more of just unclear- It goes way in a few hours or a day-happens in nsr or affib-I see (no pun intended) its a potential side effect of lanoxin and wonder if anyone elae experiences this?
Re: blurryness
December 01, 2003 06:43PM
I've notice blurriness also, but I just had eye surgeries within the past few months and was thinking it was due to eye surgeries or allergies.

Now I wonder.

Peggy Merrill
Re: blurryness
December 02, 2003 02:31AM
When i was taking digoxin it made me very, very tired all the time and i would run out of strength on just one flight of stairs but i never noticed any visual effects. The reason i quit taking it was one month i began to run out of it at a time when i wasn't able to refill it amd i began taking it every other day to try and conserve it, and i found that on the days i didn't take it i felt much better. I had a lot more energy and could climb stairs just fine. At that time i didn't know that digoxin is contraindicated for vagal afibbers which i think i am. Found that out here, much much later.
Re: blurryness
December 02, 2003 11:24AM
Gerry: I had occasional blurriness when waking up in the morning when using coumadin. Once I stopped (2nd and third op's) the problem disappeared. Presently i use betapace. Gary
Re: blurryness
December 02, 2003 11:27AM
Im on warfarin.. I had noticed my eyes being more blurred than usual and i know it had nothing to do with my cataracts. I have had one done now.

Hans Larsen
Re: blurryness
December 02, 2003 02:24PM

Digoxin can most certainly cause visual problems (1). I am not sure if warfarin can but there are several reports in the medical literature of it causing massive retinal bleeding after prolonged use.


(1) Butler, Vincent P. et al. Digitalis-induced visual disturbances with therapeutic serum digitalis concentrations. Annals of Internal Medicine, Vol 123, No. 9, November 1, 1995, pp. 676-80.
Bob G
Re: blurryness
December 02, 2003 03:43PM
I had bluriness and halo's that were yellowish problems when I was on Lanoxin. Now i have an AV Node ablation, and lanoxin is not able to get through per the Dr. I also take coumadin and have no bluriness with that. Could be the Lanoxin.

Bob G
Tom L
Re: blurryness
December 03, 2003 06:00AM

What kind of eye surgery have you had.

I had cataract surgery and lens replacment if my left eye about 3 months ago and have had recurring cloudyness several times. Its like having a real dirty contact lens, but by the time I get to my eye surgeon, it has cleared up. They are baffelled but are calling it pigment dispersion syndrome or even possibly PossnerSchlossman syndrome.

I would go to an opthamologist while your eyes are cloudy.

Tom L
Tom L
December 03, 2003 06:38PM
I had cataract surgery the last week of August in right, then had a lens implant to replace left one I lost due to eye injury in 1994.

I asked the eye surgeon about it because I'm still having soreness in my left eye. He wants to see me again, so I guess I'll go in.

My left eye was more difficult because of scar tissue etc., will report more info when I see surgeon.

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