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Chris P
Sugars as a trigger
November 23, 2003 08:08PM
I've recently started to convince myself that sugar is one of my Afib triggers. This started some time ago when I switched to working 3 days a week in my office and 2 days at home (previously, it was 5 days at home). When in the office I would often experience and low heart rate mid afternoon that would eventually start some PAC's and then AF.

What was the difference? In the office we have a fridge full of free soft drinks, including juices. I would often have a couple of bottles of various juices during the day. At home I do not often drink juice. Eliminating the juices solved the problem.

I did wonder if it was the coldness of the drink, but club soda out of the same fridge causes no problem.

Since then I have checked and noticed that I tend to get AF after eating a significant amount of sweet food. One small piece of iced cake is OK, two large pieces are not. Similarly with candy.

Have any others had similar experiences?

Chris P
Re: Sugars as a trigger
November 24, 2003 05:01AM
Gotta agree I'm feeling much better since reducing my sugar intake.

Trying to make it a habit (30 days).
Re: Sugars as a trigger
November 24, 2003 06:49AM
Chris - of course. This is the spiking of blood glucose (sugar) as a result of intake and the insulin rush needed to handle the sugar intake. Sometimes the insulin overshoots and then the adrenaline kicks in to get you to replace the sugar deficit. These spikes are common when eating habits are not healthy and the person consumes sugar with no opposing protein or fat for slowing down the speed that the sugar gets into the blood.

The adrenaline is the fight or flight hormone and the natural stress reaction will frequently set off ectopics or full blown afib. I could guarantee that happening with a poor choice of food.

Sodas are not good for anyone... candy and high sugar foods will always produce that high/low reaction and it will be especially pronouned in people with blood sugar handling problems.

Everyone and especially afibbers need to Kick the Sugar Habit...not only for afib but general health as well.

Re: Sugars as a trigger
November 24, 2003 07:27AM

I had a similar problem with sweets. I went to a social gathering which was a celebration of maple syrup. There were several very tasty maple syrup creations. Of course I over indulged. Later that night I went into afib for about 8 hours.

I can have the occasional chocolate bar with no adverse affect.

I would be interested in analysis of this by some of the nutritionist types on the BB.
Re: Sugars as a trigger
November 24, 2003 07:51AM
Keith - the maple syrup is pure sugar. The chocolate bar has alot of fat which tends to slow down the absorption of sugar. You'll still get the insulin spike, but at a slower rate. The syrup goes straight into the blood stream with little delay. Jackie
Re: Sugars as a trigger
November 24, 2003 09:07AM

Can you take that a little further? So you get a insulin spike. What happens between that and afib.
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