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Over 100 million worldwide suffer from arrhythmias

Posted by Richard 
Over 100 million worldwide suffer from arrhythmias
October 09, 2003 08:13PM
I thought this to be of interest, in regards to the number of incidences of arrhythmias worldwide.


Re: Over 100 million worldwide suffer from arrhythmias
October 10, 2003 05:26AM
Thanks Richard..... with that many people suffering, one would think it would be enough to warrant some meaningful research into the eitology of of afib. Research seems to have pretty well taken care of the surgical and drug aspect.

However, because afib most likely has roots in some very basic deficiency like an amino acid, pH balance or magnesium, the impetus for research is blunted since the end result would only be healthy people and not big bucks for the pharmaceutical industry or other sophisticated and expensive surgical procedures.

I had thought the figure was much lower. A hundred million should get the attention of someone; but probably because it isn't life-threatening, it ranks down the ladder.

It would be interesting, though, to know how much money is spent by these 100 million afibbers on visits to doctors, ER visits, pharmaceuticals and natural supplements. I know I've done my part to help keep the economy healthy with my attempts to treat it and find a "cure."

Thought provoking, for sure. Thanks for the info. Jackie
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