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Omega 3's and Eliquis

Posted by californiagal 
Omega 3's and Eliquis
February 06, 2024 08:57PM
I've routinely taken Nordic Naturals omega 3 fish oils to the tune of under 1000 mg/day (a capsule am and pm). I've always watched for easy bruising as I take them, along with any other 'blood thinning' supplments, since I'm on 5 mg Eliquis twice/day.
This past year my skin and eyes have become extremely dry so I'm considering starting the high quality omega 3 supplement recommended by my optometrist which has a 4:1 ratio of EPA to DHA. The intake would be higher than my usual dose, but I can manipulate that and start 'low'. Does anyone have wisdom about larger amts of omega 3s and the new class of blood thinners? (Btw, my omegas were tested in the recent past and the results indicated I should 'up' my omega 3's).
Thanks for input on this topic...
Re: Omega 3's and Eliquis
February 07, 2024 02:41AM
I have a cardiac pharmacist at the hospital that I go to.. She has been a wealth of knowledge and actually seems to have data of interactions of supplements and such that I just haven't been able to google. Perhaps you can ask your cardiologist their team has someone like that. I totally hear you. I love this little drink I make with homemade almond milk- the recipe inventor calls it a hug in a mug.. Has turmeric, ginger and cinnamon along with some coconut oil. But I get a little concerned that that is too much blood thinning. I also LOVE sardines. I think the can has like 1600 mg omega 3s. I could eat them daily .. but I don't. Looking forward to what others might say.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/07/2024 02:42AM by bettylou4488.
Re: Omega 3's and Eliquis
February 07, 2024 05:42AM
Betty Lou, your drink sounds delicious!! Maybe share the recipe?
--I opened a can of sustainably caught skinless sardines from Costco this morning and absolutely LOVED them. (I've never liked sardines in the past).
Re: Omega 3's and Eliquis
February 08, 2024 03:23AM
Betty Lou, like you, I was looking forward to what others would say on this topic, and it seems strange that more folks wouldn't have some input. Hmmm.
Re: Omega 3's and Eliquis
February 08, 2024 02:21PM
Betty Lou, like you, I was looking forward to what others would say on this topic, and it seems strange that more folks wouldn't have some input. Hmmm.
I take large amounts of DHA/EPA as well as plasmalogen precursors, which have DHA. However I haven't used OAC since my 2.5 month episode in 2004 & that was warfarin.
Re: Omega 3's and Eliquis
February 08, 2024 04:25PM
Betty Lou, like you, I was looking forward to what others would say on this topic, and it seems strange that more folks wouldn't have some input. Hmmm.

Have a look at Dr. John Day’s newsletter linked in another post above where he discusses the pros and cons of taking fish oil and addressing bleeding risks and the new research showing more arrhythmias in people taking fish oil, which was also my experience.
Re: Omega 3's and Eliquis
February 08, 2024 06:02PM
The research Day cites had no statistical significance, as he duly stated.
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