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TENS Vagal Stimulation Revisit

Posted by MeganMN 
TENS Vagal Stimulation Revisit
January 08, 2024 04:06AM
I have read the previous posts about the TENS for vagal nerve stimulation and received the green light from my primary and my EP doctor. My question for you folks, though, is if any of you know what sort of time frame would be expected for achieving/evaluating results? Days/weeks/months? Just hoping for a bit more direction on how to measure or evaluate success! Thanks.
Re: TENS Vagal Stimulation Revisit
January 08, 2024 02:20PM
In the first study linked in this post by AMA1952, my interpretation would be that the results were pretty immediate. The study was for six months and had a large reduction in afib episodes. If it had taken a long time for the benefit to manifest, I don't think the reduction would have been as large.
Re: TENS Vagal Stimulation Revisit
January 08, 2024 02:37PM
Thanks, George! I wonder if there is any information about after the TENS was discontinued. My husband and I were discussing if it would help long term or if the rhythm would start back up as soon as the TENS is discontinued. I have been using it for three days and have had significant, immediate relief of symptoms. Very encouraging.
Re: TENS Vagal Stimulation Revisit
January 08, 2024 05:57PM
Thanks, George! I wonder if there is any information about after the TENS was discontinued. My husband and I were discussing if it would help long term or if the rhythm would start back up as soon as the TENS is discontinued. I have been using it for three days and have had significant, immediate relief of symptoms. Very encouraging.

This is supposition based on my understanding of why stimulating the vagus nerve works. For years I was a patient of an autonomic nervous system specialist as I have Dysautonomia affecting the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Theoretically the tens machine will be affecting that balance and likely would need to be continued until you have discovered and treated the root of the problem. Glad it is working so far.
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