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What would you guys do?
December 30, 2023 11:20PM
Quick history....I've had PVCs for 20 years or so. Never caused a problem until 6 or 7 years ago when I went into AFib. Thought it was just my PVCs flaring up. Waited too long to go in & by that time, the constant unchecked tachycardia had weakened my heart. Went to ER & had a successful cardioversion. Put on metoprolol (along with my regular Lisinopril for HTN). Echo was normal a couple months later.

As far as I know, I've stayed in SR until recently. Some weird "PVCs" sent me to my PCP who confirmed AFib & sent me to ER. They got my HR down, upped the metoprolol, prescribed Eliquis, & said I should consult a cardiologist. The Eloquis was over $600 so the pharmacist said I should contact my PCP, who may have a coupon.

That's my situation at this time. What do you suggest as a gameplan? Skip the cardiologist & go to an EP? Any thoughts?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/30/2023 11:29PM by coylef.
Re: What would you guys do?
December 31, 2023 01:27AM
Skip the cardiologist and find an EP. Do you know you're CHADS-Vasc score? Score yourself and that will tell you how imperative Eliquis is. If you're a woman, subtract the point for being female.
Re: What would you guys do?
December 31, 2023 02:26AM
Thank you
Re: What would you guys do?
December 31, 2023 12:00PM
Sent PM
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