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Low Blood Pressure
November 18, 2023 08:05PM
Howdy. Always had normal BP in my life, that is til I started taking Metoprolol daily a yr or so ago. Had my ablation with Natale in August and in the last 3 weeks (2 months mark) stopped taking both Flec and Met.

Thankfully my PACs seems to be gone for now, literally the day after I stopped Flecanide (Natale's team mentioned for some ppl it's a pro-arrhythmic...go figure!), but I am surprised my BP is still 85/55 and I definitely feel it (low energy, at times depressed etc).

I am stopping taking Magnesium Taurate cause I just read it lowers BP further, but other than that no idea what may be causing this. Could it be that the Metoprolol lowered it for good, or it just takes some time for it to come back up? Anyone experienced the same. Thanks.
Re: Low Blood Pressure
November 18, 2023 08:12PM
It is unlikely that metoprolol would have a permanent effect or that a statin taken for years would encourage the liver to keep production of LDL low after stopping the statin. What is more likely is a 'remodeling' of the heart which is a common phenomenon accompanying many months of atrial fibrillation. Or, it's simply the natural progression of your heart as it ages, something that would have taken place with or without the development of AF. Some people need a pacemaker even with no other obvious disorders.
Re: Low Blood Pressure
November 18, 2023 08:51PM
surprised my BP is still 85/55 and I definitely feel it (low energy, at times depressed etc).

It doesn’t answer “why” but licorice will raise your BP—a supplement is better than the candy cause you can monitor your dose. If it has had the glycyrrhizin removed though, it won’t have this effect.
Re: Low Blood Pressure
November 18, 2023 10:03PM
At 85/55 I'm not surprised you feel it. What was your typical BP when you were on the meds?
Re: Low Blood Pressure
November 18, 2023 10:22PM
I haven't heard of that, but stopping beta-blockers like Metropolol can have the inverse effect of causing BP to rise in whats called a "rebound effect" as your body is used to the pressure lowering effects of the Drug, then when you stop it the BP goes up.
Re: Low Blood Pressure
November 18, 2023 10:26PM
It may take a while for you to feel better. I had low BP of 70/40 after ablation while on Metoprolol and Flecainide. Had to stop both meds early (2 weeks post ablation) because the dizziness and fatigue I experienced was interfering with my basic routine. It took me 3 months to feel relatively normal and BP returned to 90/55. BP before Afib was in the 90s/60s.
Re: Low Blood Pressure
November 18, 2023 11:56PM
Thanks everyone. Before Metoprolol I was normal at 110/70 on avg. I am a tall dude and especially when I bend over to pick stuff up I feel it when I go back up, feels dizzy. Hopefully stopping the magnesium taurate will help, as well as the body adjusting to no more Metoprolol.
Re: Low Blood Pressure
November 19, 2023 09:35AM
Hi there- I have a different history than you for sure and recently started on a med that at one point my BP was... 75 for the upper number. (Before people freak I was in touch with my doctor). So I totally get what you are feeling. At one point I put my head down on the table and was like- I think I'll just take a little nap.. I know mine was a med (not afib related) but I also went down the gamut of things it could be in my mind. I was drinking hibiscus tea on a regular basis (made from the leaves so a little potent). I love me my cinnamon and some other spices in my coffee or what have you- I still do them but in lesser degree. I'm not even saying these could be it but I didn't even think of half this stuff till my BP was super low and I started thinking thru my day. In an effort to 'be healthier' (and it was), I was taking blood pressure lowering stuff- and it may have really been working to that end. I also have always watched my salt but have become a bit of a fanatic and decided I needed to be less so. Anyway .. just my middle of the night can't sleep meanderings for ya... Maybe you have started a new supplement or vitamin or something..
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