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Osteoporosis and Afib

Posted by Yuxi 
Osteoporosis and Afib
November 06, 2023 07:47PM
Anyone taking medication for Osteoporosis treatment? What medication are you taking? Does it affect your Afib?

Any input would be appreciated!
Re: Osteoporosis and Afib
November 06, 2023 08:15PM
I make bone broth and freeze so I can eat daily. It’s rich in calcium if you add 1 tablespoons of vinegar and cook a while (crock pot) , let cool and the next day skim or remove the fat with a nut bag you can buy on Amazon. My GP is Harvard educated and got a second degree in nutrition and gave me the recipe .
Re: Osteoporosis and Afib
November 06, 2023 08:26PM
I make bone broth and freeze so I can eat daily. It’s rich in calcium if you add 1 tablespoons of vinegar and cook a while (crock pot) , let cool and the next day skim or remove the fat with a nut bag you can buy on Amazon. My GP is Harvard educated and got a second degree in nutrition and gave me the recipe .

Hi Susan, thanks for your reply. I just received my bone density scan report today and shocking to find out that I have Osteoporosis. Well maybe I shouldn't be too surprised because my mom had the same problem. Would you mind sharing your bone broth recipe? I'd love to try it. I have sensitive stomach and I am afraid to take any new medications, I am also very concerned with the potential side effects to Afib.
Re: Osteoporosis and Afib
November 06, 2023 08:51PM
Bone soup:
Bone marrow. You can substitute chicken bones. I buy chicken bones at my butcher.
Something for taste- I save all my onion skins and freeze to be used for soup. I wash and freeze in a ziplock bag each time I use an onion. Adding skins makes the broth a golden color.

1 tablespoon vinegar if you are making a big batch or 1 teaspoon of vinegar to leach the bones for the the calcium.
Fill up the pot with water, cover and cook at a low flame for 4-5 hours unless you have an instant pot or my favorite-ninja foodi that makes perfect soup in ten minutes.

Cool, refrigerate and the next day strain the broth to rid the fat and bones. I use this brand because of the size, food grade and BPA free:

Now either make soup from scratch (add veggies) or freeze. I buy these to freeze:


They come one and two cup capacity. Once frozen I wrap each cube in parchment paper, stick in a big ziplock and stack up in my freezer for anytime I want broth.
Re: Osteoporosis and Afib
November 06, 2023 09:04PM
Thank you, Susan, I appreciate it!
Re: Osteoporosis and Afib
November 06, 2023 10:38PM
I have a 69 year old friend that reversed her osteoporosis using a protocol for the Power Plate vibration platform about 10 years ago. Then she got breast cancer and it reappeared. She still uses the Power Plate (brand) but has added in a weekly visit to an OsteoStrong facility. The Osteostrong developer has a Kindle book on Amazon. The gist is the device (as I understand it) safely applies a load greater than 4.2x your weight (or 7x your weight for a faster response). They actually have an ios app that uses the phone's accelerometer (strap the phone to your hip) to tell you if what you are doing is meeting the 4.2x threshold. Though I don't recommend for those with actual osteoporosis, I use the app to create this load by coming down as hard as I can, one leg at a time (moving the phone to the other hip). For those with osteoporosis, I recommend using the OsteoStrong devices at one of their facilities.

My friend attacked the breast cancer using a diet to not activate mTor & Igf-1. This was a mostly vegan, low protein & also low carb diet. It was useful for her cancer metrics, but did accelerate the osteoporosis. She's now adopted a stronger protein emphasis with fish and other animal protein as well as supplementing with an essential amino acid supplement (which helps trigger muscle protein synthesis).
Re: Osteoporosis and Afib
November 06, 2023 11:34PM
I have a 69 year old friend that reversed her osteoporosis using a protocol for the Power Plate vibration platform about 10 years ago.

I was interested in this machine but it seems not be be recommended if you have a pacemaker.
Re: Osteoporosis and Afib
November 07, 2023 01:56AM

I was interested in this machine but it seems not be be recommended if you have a pacemaker.

I searched on this, and according to an old thread, it depends on the PM and they suggested talking to your specific PM people about whether it is contraindicated. One comment

"Some rate-responsive pacemakers use a piezoelectric sensor that adjusts rate based on vibration. These devices will drive up the rate if the sensor picks up vibrations. Maybe that is the reason?

Most newer pacers with rate response now use accelerometers (they measure acceleration rather than vibration). So this would only apply to some (not all) pacemakers."
Re: Osteoporosis and Afib
November 07, 2023 01:03PM
I have severe Osteoporosis and was on Prolia injections, six monthly, for a couple of years. However I began experiencing pain in my groin and upper thigh. I was advised to stop treatment as there is a rare but real danger of breaking the Femur bone.
Just recently after another Dexa Scan my Osteoporosis has worsened with demineralisation off my pelvis.so I was told I would need to start treatment again with the Prolia injections.
I reluctantly agreed after a couple of months but I am experiencing the same pain again.
The big issue with these drugs, and in particular Prolia is if you stop having the treatment, your bone loss accelerates.
These drugs can cause arrhythmia.

They keep telling me about the risks and benefits , but I see it as being between a rock and a hard place.
Re: Osteoporosis and Afib
November 07, 2023 02:08PM
Joy- do you have TMJ? I have both TMJ and Osteoporosis and because Prolia can affect one’s jaw (shatters if I recalled from my oncologist’s warning), I passed at the time.

When taking chemo I was suggested to take the injections when I was diagnosed with osteopenia. Now since it has advanced to osteoporosis I need to start some treatment because I’m a fall risk now and I want to protect my hips from a potential break.

I wonder if I finally start Prolia, if it’s the best treatment. What other options do I have?

Side note question: my wrists are now so narrow my bracelets are dangling. My once snug necklace as well. Can osteoporosis cause the narrowing of bones?

Interesting link: [www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]
Re: Osteoporosis and Afib
November 07, 2023 02:36PM
The Osteostrong developer has a Kindle book on Amazon. The gist is the device (as I understand it) safely applies a load greater than 4.2x your weight (or 7x your weight for a faster response).

Thanks for the information, George, I will look into it. From a quick glance at some of book review, this training is very hard on the joints and may not be suitable for everyone.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/07/2023 02:43PM by Yuxi.
Re: Osteoporosis and Afib
November 07, 2023 02:42PM
These drugs can cause arrhythmia.
They keep telling me about the risks and benefits, but I see it as being between a rock and a hard place.

Joy, thanks for sharing your experience with Prolia. I am sorry it did not work well.
I looked up online, all Osteoporosis drugs can cause Atrial Fibrillation, there is no heart safe drugs for it sad smiley
Re: Osteoporosis and Afib
November 08, 2023 01:37PM
Hi Susan

No I don’t have TMJ.
You do have to be cautious about any dental work as the drugs can effect the jawbones. However the possibility of breaking the femur concerns me more.

I’m having difficulty doing my walk each day due to my feet being really sore, and dizziness from my heart being up and down not helping with balance.
I think he will probably take me off Prolia and give me an infusion of Fosamax or Bonavia to stop the sudden bone loss that happens when one stops Prolia.

And of course I then have to accept the real risk of AF with any of these drugs hot smiley
Re: Osteoporosis and Afib
November 08, 2023 04:59PM
I read AlgaeCal may help, anyone has experience with it?

Re: Osteoporosis and Afib
November 14, 2023 12:24AM
Hello Yuxi,

Certainly K2 (K2-7) is essential, along with magnesium and D3. I expect you are aware of this. I don't know about calcium, but would be interested in what others might have to say on that.

One fairly new approach would be to consider one's gut microbiome, an increasingly important and fruitful area of health research. As one example, there's a Swedish company called Biogaia. They specialize in the probiotic l. reuteri, which is native to the human gut but which, research seems to indicate, has largely disappeared from the gut microbiome of most folks in industrialized societies. In particular, they have a strain of l. reuteri (ATCCPTA 6475), that is supposed to be good for osteoporosis. There is at least one study:



You can find this on Amazon under the name Biogaia Osfortis.

Whether or not this really works for bone loss, I can't say.But this strain is also very well studied for many other beneficial effects on health--including production in the gut of oxytocin, a hormone that influences, among other things mood--and also increase of testosterone in males.

You could check the work of Dr. William Davis, specifically his book, "Super Gut", which, despite the sensationalist title, I have found very helpful

Just some thoughts that may be useful.

Re: Osteoporosis and Afib
November 14, 2023 02:30PM
Look up Dr. Doug Lucas - orthopedic Doc who specializes in bone health. He has many podcasts on you tube.

ohhmd.com is his web site.
Re: Osteoporosis and Afib
November 14, 2023 04:13PM
Hi Lance, thanks for the recommendation, I will definitely look into it. When I was on Metoprolol, Flecainide and Eliquis before and shortly after ablation, my GI system was ruined by these medications. I am off meds for 2-3 months now, my stomach is still not 100% normal.

As for the K2, I am on the 2nd bottle of Sports Research Vitamin K2 as MK-7 100mcg, and finally realized that it causes me heart palpitations. In the beginning I thought it's because I am still in the blanking period of July ablation. Then I read Amazon reviews, some users had same issues with it and said that "MK-7 can cause heart palpitations as it has a stimulative effect". I guess everyone really is different.
Re: Osteoporosis and Afib
November 14, 2023 04:16PM
Thanks, I started following him a few weeks ago, have been getting some helpful information from his videos.

Look up Dr. Doug Lucas - orthopedic Doc who specializes in bone health. He has many podcasts on you tube.

ohhmd.com is his web site.
Re: Osteoporosis and Afib
November 14, 2023 06:51PM
As for the K2, I am on the 2nd bottle of Sports Research Vitamin K2 as MK-7 100mcg, and finally realized that it causes me heart palpitations. In the beginning I thought it's because I am still in the blanking period of July ablation. Then I read Amazon reviews, some users had same issues with it and said that "MK-7 can cause heart palpitations as it has a stimulative effect". I guess everyone really is different.

Thanks, Yuxi. I hadn't heard of a connection between MK-7 and heart palpitations. I did a quick google, and it seems that there are many anecdotal reports of this, but I'm not finding any studies. I'll put a query in the General Health Forum. Seems like a topic well worth exploring in depth.

Re: Osteoporosis and Afib
November 14, 2023 11:06PM
Thanks, Yuxi. I hadn't heard of a connection between MK-7 and heart palpitations. I did a quick google, and it seems that there are many anecdotal reports of this, but I'm not finding any studies. I'll put a query in the General Health Forum. Seems like a topic well worth exploring in depth.

I’ve used MK-7 with D3 for years with no problem.
Re: Osteoporosis and Afib
November 22, 2023 03:53AM
I just finished Tymlos for two years. It is a bone builder. Prolia affects bone turnover but doesn't grow new quality bone. Tymlos has an injectionpen with :clicks" so you can adjust the dose. I am sensitive to meds and started low and ramped up. I almost never did the full dose but had 20% gain in my spine, going from severe to borderline osteoporosis.

The choices are pretty simple. Prolia and bisphosphonates like Reclast (IV) and Fosamax (alendronate, tablets) are anti-resorptive. Forteo and Tymlos are anabolic, grown bone using parathyroid pathway. Evenity is both anabolilc and anti-resorptive by affecting sclerostin.

Insurance wants us to do the cheaper anti-resorptives first but if you do that, the effectiveness of the bone builders is affected. After Prolia, I read you can't even use bone builders, so check it out.

My docs won't use Prolia because of the difficulty getting off. There is a steep drop in bone density. You have to get on Reclast (or alendronate) and the timing of that is tricky. See Keith McCormick's new book "Great Bones" or watch Dr. Ben Leader's video online about Sequences and Combinations.

I have several spinal fractures, the last 3 from a simple unwise movement. The pain and disability certainly motivated me to tolerate some side effects. COVID delayed me long enough to fracture. If yuor DEXA;s are bad, I would not fool around with natural approaches alone.
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