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Colonoscopy question-any cardiac reactions?
October 29, 2023 02:42AM
I need an endoscopy and colonoscopy. Usually I take Miralax but this GI wants CLENPIQ.

Any feedback?

Anyone get any cardiac reactions from CLENPIQ? Yes I shouldn’t be concerned about afib but my afib after my av node ablation is sometimes horrific. I’m panting I can’t breathe when my upper chambers are around 300+hr. I got my EP permission for a PIP as needed not to exceed 300mg a day of Cardizem and only 240mg is needed to convert me to a peaceful hr. Technically my ventricles are steady and safe at 60 but that doesn’t mean I’m not out of breath with huffing and puffing from my upper chambers.

Also their concerns are my eliquis clearance (have a sealed watchman but no EP written clearance which I can’t seem to easily get) and the fact I have a pacemaker. If I had a defibrillator, then it’s done in the hospital. I’m getting it done at a surgical office. They don’t want any PM zapping. I explained being pacemaker dependent, my PM is zapping each beat and with my AF burst therapy, it’s zapping me 30 seconds at a time (3 max) to convert. They just don’t want a defibrillator done outside a hospital setting.

They want me to stop my Cardizem the day of the procedure which will have me out of breathe during anesthesia unless I pop a pill earlier in the day.

I never had CLENPIQ and any prep is a pain in the butt :-) but this drug isn’t like HalfLitely or Miralax and I need to be prepared. My procedure is in the late afternoon so I expect to be dehydrated because it’s a two dose treatment and I need to take the second bottle the morning of the procedure with allowance to drink until 4 hours before. Usually Miralax cleans me out if I start 5pm the day before and I then can sleep. Why on Earth do they want the prep all night and all day?
Re: Colonoscopy question-any cardiac reactions?
October 29, 2023 03:26AM
I just had a colonoscopy using GoLitely which I think is similar to MiraLAX. But the usual protocol these days in the states is to do it over two days so I had the same schedule as you will have – start about 5 PM the night before and drink half of it or 2 L and then drink the other 2 L the next morning. I was allowed to drink fluids up to 4 hours before my 3 pm colonoscopy and they started IV fluids as soon as I got there so I don’t think I was very dehydrated. I didn’t need a written clearance on Eliquis as they believed me that I had a Watchman (and I had the wallet card though they didn’t ask for it) and could stop Eliquis for the necessary time, which in my case was four days as they had to remove a polyp.
Re: Colonoscopy question-any cardiac reactions?
October 29, 2023 04:03AM
I didn’t know GoLitely is still available. That was the prep I typed incorrectly. I thought I took half litely. Miralax I love. No problems.

Each of the bottles are small-maybe 8oz? The first I drink 40 oz (five 8oz glasses of clear liquids) and second day it’s 3 glasses.

However there is zero potassium in the ingredients! Lots of sodium though. I don’t do well with excessive sodium.

I have to find either clear pedialye or coconut water to replenish my K loss.
Re: Colonoscopy question-any cardiac reactions?
October 29, 2023 01:00PM
I've successfully used GoLytely as a colonoscopy prep. Here is the prescribing info: [www.accessdata.fda.gov]
Re: Colonoscopy question-any cardiac reactions?
October 29, 2023 01:45PM
A substitute doesn’t help me George. I am only allowed to take their choice…no substitutes. If I don’t get my EP letter of Eliquis clearance in time then I won’t be using the prep because they will cancel the procedure. That’s why I asked if anyone has had this prep. The procedure is Tuesday. I have to start prepping tomorrow.

However I want to ask/convince them about my morning dose of lisinopril and Cardizem. I need it.
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