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Posted by JoyWin 
October 06, 2023 01:10PM
A Quick question.

Hi everyone.
I’ve had two ablations in last 2 years, my second one lasting 8 months ( bliss ) I am getting AF episodes again as well as quick bursts of very fast HR which I think are probably SVT.

I’m feeling very fatigued and out of sorts, but this maybe due to my disappointment that my AF is back.
My Apple Watch shows my HRV as extremely low, around 12-18. Should I be concerned?

October 06, 2023 09:21PM
Did the same EP do both? If so, do not use that EP again. They don't know how to make durable lesions. You might want to read this if you haven't before.

Is that very fast heartbeat a regular rhythm? If so, it's most likely atrial flutter (which is a type of SVT, so you're not wrong).
October 06, 2023 11:07PM
Thanks Carey.

The fast HR is regular and just comes on out of the blue.

I think the issue lies with me as I have had the condition (AF) for decades, and probably longer. My original cardiologist(s) did nothing to help and I just went along with the ridiculous advice given at the time.

I'm more concerned about my heart rate variability and if anyone uses an Apple watch to check it. If so, is it reasonably accurate and reliable?

PS: My EP is excellent and is an internationally respected electrophysiologist who performs all types of ablation procedures from the most simple to the most complex and regularly performs procedures that have failed elsewhere.
He is internationally recognized as one of the world's leading researchers in the field of heart rhythm disturbances and has been instrumental in describing the mechanism of these arrhythmias and the approach to cure.
October 07, 2023 04:01PM
PS: My EP is excellent and is an internationally respected electrophysiologist who performs all types of ablation procedures from the most simple to the most complex and regularly performs procedures that have failed elsewhere.
He is internationally recognized as one of the world's leading researchers in the field of heart rhythm disturbances and has been instrumental in describing the mechanism of these arrhythmias and the approach to cure.

Then I don't understand why his ablation lines are healing over 8 months later. That's exactly how I ended up with multiple failed ablations by an EP who also had excellent credentials.
October 08, 2023 04:01AM
Ablations are not 100% successful. Maybe Joy (and me) fall into the small category of the 1-3% (I’m making up this % odds number as a guess) that no matter how good the EP is, ablations still fail due to genetic disposition or other factors?
October 08, 2023 08:43AM
I’m thinking along those lines Susan.
I often read on this site where many people need to go back for touch ups after multiple procedures by top EPs.
I’ve had this for such a long time as well. Back in the day no one listened when you suffered with this condition.
I’ve had some interesting conversations in my younger years about what I was actually suffering from, and why.
Hysteria, panic attacks, to name a couple.
Thank goodness for the modern era😊
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