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Long time gap between ablation and touch-up
September 27, 2023 06:36AM
Is there any advantages or disadvantages in having a long gap between ablation and a touch-up.
It's been 9 months since my ablation, touch-up was supposed to be 6 month ago.

I am on flecainide and pradaxa with no afib or ectopics so far, although I think I have experienced some odd beats after pushing myself to hard, otherwise OK.

I'm just curious?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/27/2023 01:23PM by colindo.
Re: Long time gap between ablation and touch-up
September 27, 2023 08:51AM
1st thing I 'd try if I'm AFib free since ablation is to stop flecainide and see how it goes that way.
I would only go for a touch-up in case AFib is back (and flec does not work).
Re: Long time gap between ablation and touch-up
September 27, 2023 03:23PM
I agree, if you are currently free of symptoms for essential purposes, then tinker with any current maintenance/prophylactic measures to see if you'll fall back into arrhythmia. If that turns out to be the case, then sure, you're going to need that touchup. But I would counsel any patient to try to establish the 'real' situation with my heart before agreeing to invasive measures like catheter ablation.
Re: Long time gap between ablation and touch-up
September 27, 2023 05:59PM
1st thing I 'd try if I'm AFib free since ablation is to stop flecainide and see how it goes that way.
I would only go for a touch-up in case AFib is back (and flec does not work).

I had an episode of Afib post blanking period and that's the reason for the touch up. The EP who prescribe flecainide was adamant I stay on it until after the touch up because he didn't want me to have any more Afib before then.
Re: Long time gap between ablation and touch-up
September 27, 2023 08:40PM
AF begets AF, unfortunately, so all concerned should be striving to avoid getting the patient into AF. I think your EP was correct.
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