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12 month post watchman CT scan

Posted by Pixie 
12 month post watchman CT scan
July 25, 2023 04:54PM
I know there was a prior post several weeks ago about obtaining a CT scan locally rather than returning to Austin for it. I am starting a new post rather than adding this to the original one…so I apologize if I am breaking the rules. First of all I want to say neither my local EP or general cardiologist supported me when I told them I was going out of area for my third ablation. This is after 2 failed ablations…first 8 hours and touch-up 6 hours!!! I am good at advocating for myself, but am so frustrated that I want to share my experience with this group. Maybe you could give me some advice! If I had time I would get a new cardiologist but my 1 year post watchman is the end of September.

In JUNE I gave the cardiologist The CT order from Dr. Natale. It was for a CT angiogram coronary…reason for exam: assess watchman placement. I was told
that that checked coronary arteries and I would need a CTA chest to get the image needed for the watchman. The cardiologist started telling me the protocol they fellow and I stated more than once that I am a patient of Dr. Natale and need to follow his protocol. Weeks passed and finally this doctor and Dr. Natale had a phone conversation. Notes I received said they agreed that a coronary CTA to assess left atrial appendage to check for status of watchman be done.

I just returned from a two week vacation and when I got back discovered that the local doc ordered a CT heart morphology with contrast per their structural heart protocol recommendations.!! What did she not understand about me following Dr. Natale’s protocol!!

I called Dr. Natale’s nurse and she said they do not do the CT of the heart morphology and was unsure if this will show the watchman, etc. I could get it and see if that is ok for Dr. N or I could go back to Austin to have the exact imaging done that Dr. Natale recommends! Needless to say I want to get this done locally! A new order was faxed to the cardiologist by Dr. Natale’s nurse and it stated I should get a CTA chest. This is the exact thing the cardiologist thought it should be initially! I thought everything was resolved until this morning. I received a message stating the Watchman coordinator here will be calling me because they use the Ct heart morphology to check the watchman placement.

This is all very upsetting to me and I am probably over thinking this!! However, I do not want to travel 2500 miles round trip for this procedure. I also do not want to get the wrong CT because my insurance would not prior authorize a second one. Basically I want this CT chest done locally!! I will reiterate that when the watchman coordinator calls me BUT I CANNOT get through to these people! Unbelievable, huh? Any advice for me??
Re: 12 month post watchman CT scan
July 25, 2023 05:34PM
Does Natale's team have suggestions on docs they've worked with locally or relatively close to you that have done what they request?
Re: 12 month post watchman CT scan
July 25, 2023 05:39PM
What about a TEE?

Very frustrating. Sorry.
Re: 12 month post watchman CT scan
July 25, 2023 05:55PM
George and Susan, thanks for responding.

I just got off the phone with the Watchman Coordinator here. She”assured” me that the CT Heart Morphology gives the highest image quality for checking the watchman placement and the left atrial appendage. She said the image would be better than the CTA chest.

Dr. Natale referred me to a closer out of area provider for my 6 month TEE. I thought of seeing if I could have the CTA chest done at that facility. I think I want Natale’s office to talk to the watchman person here, though, to see if he would be comfortable with this scan.
Re: 12 month post watchman CT scan
July 25, 2023 08:01PM
I just got back from Austin where I had the initial TEE to check the Watchman placement. Dr. Natale (and Shannon his NP) both agreed that in order to avoid making the trip back to Austin for a 6 month TEE, I should get a CTA locally as this test was difficult to screw up (unlike their experience with TEEs done by our local cardiologist which, more often than not, were screwed up). They were very clear that it should be a CTA, but of course it is good to check with Natale's team on the usefulness of the other type of CT they proposed. You might ask to be connected with Shannon on this topic as she is the NP who works with Dr. Natale on post-Watchman screenings.
Re: 12 month post watchman CT scan
July 25, 2023 08:37PM
. You might ask to be connected with Shannon on this topic as she is the NP who works with Dr. Natale on post-Watchman screenings.

Thanks for responding, Daisy. I have been working with Kim H. on this. I sent her an email asking if someone there could call this Watchman coordinator and help me get this worked out. I will call Shannon if I don’t hear back.
Re: 12 month post watchman CT scan
July 25, 2023 08:41PM
. You might ask to be connected with Shannon on this topic as she is the NP who works with Dr. Natale on post-Watchman screenings.

Thanks for responding, Daisy. I have been working with Kim H. on this. I sent her an email asking if someone there could call this Watchman coordinator and help me get this worked out. I will call Shannon if I don’t hear back. I have her email but not her phone number. If you happen to have that could you send it to me..a personal message would be fine. Thanks.
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