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Is it Safe to get a MRI with a Watchman Implant?

Posted by tobherd 
Is it Safe to get a MRI with a Watchman Implant?
July 03, 2023 08:51PM
Hello - one of my doctors wants me to get an MRI and I have a Watchman Implant, so I know I need to bring the card I got after getting it. The person who schedules the MRI's at the facility said they need a few days to check out the info on the device (I believe that's what she said)...anyway, is it typical to have to wait for a clearance before getting an MRI? And with the modifications that need to be done (per the instructions on the Watchman card), will the MRI be as good at getting the needed images?

Re: Is it Safe to get a MRI with a Watchman Implant?
July 03, 2023 10:09PM
is it typical to have to wait for a clearance before getting an MRI?


For MRI safety the Watchman is classified as conditional. I believe watchman can be scanned in a magnet up to 1.5T. Many magnets today are 3T.

need a few days to check out the info

Correct in many facilities the MR safety coordinator becomes involved w reviewing the scan ordered and the manufacturers guidelines.

will the MRI be as good at getting the needed images?

The images should be fine. The watchman may show artifact if it is in the field of view. What may change is the number of images you will get. Many MR units once the tech is inputting your information (names, dob etc) into the computer they will get a pop up on the screen asking if the patient has an implant. In your case the tech will tell it yes. Then that starts opening another set of technical information requests requiring the tech to input. This is why there may be a delay. The tech will have to answer questions provide info on the implant etc. They will also have to input scanning protocol changes based on the manufacturers guidlines. As a result of the manufactures guidelines, which the tech inputs into the system the scan may have to be altered. Not sure on watchman for example if the manufacturer indicates the implant can be scanned they may also indicate but no longer than 15 minutes. So if the scan you are having is normally 30 minutes then the tech has to communicate w the radiologist concerning what images they want.

Despite you have the card a good MRI facility will verify and research before you go anywhere near the magnet.
Re: Is it Safe to get a MRI with a Watchman Implant?
July 03, 2023 11:18PM
Which reminds me, I was not sent a card yet. Implanted 2 months ago. Anyone remember how long it took to get their card?
Re: Is it Safe to get a MRI with a Watchman Implant?
July 03, 2023 11:26PM
The Watchman is MRI safe up to 3T.

Daisy, you were supposed to be sent home with the card but I wasn't either. You can call Boston Scientific at 855-637-9428 to get a replacement.
Re: Is it Safe to get a MRI with a Watchman Implant?
July 04, 2023 05:33PM
Hi Cary - do you know if the scan is as good at detecting any problems if it's modified to meet the criteria for the Watchman? That concerns me, as it's an important test for me.

Thanks ~ Barb
Re: Is it Safe to get a MRI with a Watchman Implant?
July 04, 2023 05:34PM
Thanks, Jake. I have no idea if this is a good facility or not..sure hoping it is! ~ Barb
Re: Is it Safe to get a MRI with a Watchman Implant?
July 04, 2023 06:51PM
Hi Cary - do you know if the scan is as good at detecting any problems if it's modified to meet the criteria for the Watchman? That concerns me, as it's an important test for me.

They don't need to modify anything. The only precaution is not exposing the device to prolonged time in the MRI because there's concern it could cause the Watchman to heat up. But doing a normal scan is perfectly safe. Early on their was concern about doing an MRI with a freshly implanted device but I believe those concerns have been dropped.

Even if they did need to modify something, they wouldn't bother doing an MRI if it compromised the results. It's a very expensive test.
Re: Is it Safe to get a MRI with a Watchman Implant?
July 05, 2023 12:36PM
I have never seen on this thread an MRI of what area? Doesn’t that matter? What about an MRI of the brain with and without contrast - would that have any effect on the watchman in the heart?
Re: Is it Safe to get a MRI with a Watchman Implant?
July 05, 2023 01:46PM
I have never seen on this thread an MRI of what area? Doesn’t that matter? What about an MRI of the brain with and without contrast - would that have any effect on the watchman in the heart?

No. The only area that could possibly affect it would be the chest, the heart to be specific.

The bottom line is the Watchman is MRI safe.
Re: Is it Safe to get a MRI with a Watchman Implant?
July 05, 2023 02:48PM
Is does say that the Watchman is MRI conditional...meaning modifications do need to be made. I'm getting a pelvic MRI, but it still needs to be done. I was thinking it would only have to be modified if it was a chest exam, but apparently it still does need to be done differently.
Re: Is it Safe to get a MRI with a Watchman Implant?
July 05, 2023 06:26PM
No, that's not what MRI conditional means. What it means is you have an implanted object in your body so your case has to be reviewed by someone in charge of verifying exactly what's implanted and what its MRI specifications are. They can't just take a patient's word for it because if they're wrong (and patients are wrong all the time), the consequences could be severe. In the case of a Watchman, there are no restrictions up to 3 Tesla. See the FDA's explanation.
Re: Is it Safe to get a MRI with a Watchman Implant?
July 05, 2023 09:51PM
Thank you everyone. Good to know. I might never have even thought of this when my next MRI rolls around.
Re: Is it Safe to get a MRI with a Watchman Implant?
July 08, 2023 02:14PM
Thanks all for your input. I had my MRI yesterday and there were no issues. The radiologist said they do these a lot, and there wasn't anything different needed on his end, anyway. Fingers crossed that the results are good too.

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