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Fish oil and Afib?

Posted by Marco 
Fish oil and Afib?
June 26, 2023 03:17AM
what is the general consensus as today in the forum for fish oil? I have seen some recent data showing the increase in incidence of Afib with Fish oil supplementation. However, high doses or EPA only were used in the studies I have seen.

My personal anecdote, is that I have used fish oil for many years, never had an issue I could notice. For my first episode in the 2020 I had actually stopped my fish oil about 3 months before. The second time last year, I was only using low dose Fish oil maybe one or two times a week. This year I was using about 1700 mg of EPA+DHA, but I stopped somewhere in May, about a month later the Afib
Re: Fish oil and Afib?
June 29, 2023 01:14PM
Research suggests that fish oil, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, may have potential benefits for individuals with atrial fibrillation (Afib). Some studies indicate that omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil could help reduce the risk of recurrent Afib episodes and potentially improve heart health. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplements or making changes to your treatment plan.


What are the risks associated with fish oil and afib? In your own words and understanding. Thank you.
Re: Fish oil and Afib?
June 29, 2023 02:43PM
I was a vegan when I had my first episode in 2004 (no longer as of 2008 or 09). In 2015, I was tested for the first time for omega 3 index it was very low, around 3.something. Because of AlzD genetic risk, my doc wanted my omega 3 index between 10 & 12. Subsequently, I've run it generally north of 12 and as high as 19 without an impact on my afib burden.
Re: Fish oil and Afib?
June 29, 2023 03:16PM
I was a vegan when I had my first episode in 2004 (no longer as of 2008 or 09). In 2015, I was tested for the first time for omega 3 index it was very low, around 3.something. Because of AlzD genetic risk, my doc wanted my omega 3 index between 10 & 12. Subsequently, I've run it generally north of 12 and as high as 19 without an impact on my afib burden.

Thanks George, I didn't know this test exists, what's your daily intake?

This article provided some evidence that high dose 4g/day may raise the risk of Afib.

Re: Fish oil and Afib?
June 29, 2023 04:27PM
I didn't know this test exists, what's your daily intake?

Good question, I eat fish & shellfish daily. Many times for multiple meals. I also consume a plasmalogen precursor supplement, which likely should be included. As my genetics are prone to cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), which is a condition leading to brain bleeds, I vacillate (as high omega 3 makes blood "thinner"), because there are no good answers. I can also consume a DHA supplement and cod liver oil. Because of the CAA risk, I also avoid OAC meds, trying to keep my afib burden extremely low and my CHA2DS2-VASc score at 1 (because of my age). To mitigate my AlzD genetic risk, my brain needs a lot of DHA. I balance many different risks.

For the omega 3 index, I use the Omega Quant test.
Here is a podcast with the Dr. Bill Harris, who developed the test.
Re: Fish oil and Afib?
June 29, 2023 07:12PM
I was a vegan when I had my first episode in 2004 (no longer as of 2008 or 09). In 2015, I was tested for the first time for omega 3 index it was very low, around 3.something. Because of AlzD genetic risk, my doc wanted my omega 3 index between 10 & 12. Subsequently, I've run it generally north of 12 and as high as 19 without an impact on my afib burden.

Omega 19% is pretty high there. If I don't supplement with fish oil my omega is generally around 6%, last time I checked, with 3gr EPA+DHA Omega index was at 8%. I try to keep my diet low in Omega 6

I think I'm going to resume the fish oil, since historically my Afib happened during periods of lower Omega intake. No sure there is a correlation, perhaps just a coincidence
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