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Left atrium enlargement
May 19, 2023 08:46PM
I have been dealing with a left atrium enlargement. It will be reassessed in six months. That will be one year after my watchman placement. Anything I can learn from anyone who has/is experiencing this is appreciated.
Re: Left atrium enlargement
May 19, 2023 09:02PM
I have been dealing with a left atrium enlargement. It will be reassessed in six months. That will be one year after my watchman placement. Anything I can learn from anyone who has/is experiencing this is appreciated.

I think most of us have an enlarged left atrium as that goes with Afib. What does your echo say about how enlarged it is? There are some reports of it reducing in size after a successful ablation, though I think most of us just watch our echocardiograms for any changes.
Re: Left atrium enlargement
May 20, 2023 12:46PM

I think most of us have an enlarged left atrium as that goes with Afib. What does your echo say about how enlarged it is? There are some reports of it reducing in size after a successful ablation, though I think most of us just watch our echocardiograms for any changes.

Dr. Natale wanted me to have an echocardiogram done for his review prior to my procedure in Austin. It came back showing “the left atrium size is severely dilated”. I contacted my EP here for clarification and did not get much help because she did not support my going to Austin. I did not ask any further questions because I knew Dr. Natale was reviewing the report. I was told, though, that doing an ablation would be extremely difficult because of this. Hearing that just confirmed I had made a good decision about seeing a top tier EP.

After my 6 month TEE, he told me to go off the 81mg aspirin and stay on the 5mg Eliquis. He will review again in 6 months when I have the TEE or CT scan. If it is still enlarged I would remain on Eliquis. I had intended to stay on Eliquis anyway. I also have moderate to severe mitral valve regurgitation. That is being followed with a yearly echocardiogram. I would imagine the combination of my long history of AFIB/AFLUTTER and the mitral valve issue is causing this. I will be seeing a general cardiologist is June who can help provide more information.

Thanks for your response

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/20/2023 12:48PM by Pixie.
Re: Left atrium enlargement
May 20, 2023 04:47PM
It came back showing “the left atrium size is severely dilated”
Wonder if you had a lot of time in persistent afib with heart rates > 100 BPM?


I contacted my EP here for clarification and did not get much help because she did not support my going to Austin.
Curious if she didn't like Natale's approach or just wanted you to use her?
Re: Left atrium enlargem
May 20, 2023 05:48PM
George, thank you for responding.

I was diagnosed with AFIB in 2016. I was asymptomatic and treated with medications. My issue was always high heart rates. After my second failed ablation, I went into persistent AFIB. My heart rate would go into the 130s+140s but would always come down. The high rates could last for hours. During the 6 months in persistent AFIB/AFlutter, I knew I had to reach out to a top tier EP.

The EP I saw at that time did not believe in isolating the LAA . She recommended several EPs closer to home, but they did not have the experience I needed. By that time, I had found this forum and learned what I needed to do.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/20/2023 06:08PM by Pixie.
Re: Left atrium enlargem
May 20, 2023 07:59PM
The EP I saw at that time did not believe in isolating the LAA .

Translation: Does not know how and hasn't read the literature.
Re: Left atrium enlargem
May 20, 2023 08:45PM

The EP I saw at that time did not believe in isolating the LAA .

Translation: Does not know how and hasn't read the literature.

After reading my Natale ablation report my local cardiologist (not an EP) said that he didn’t even know they could do that stuff! At least he was honest.
Re: Left atrium enlargem
May 21, 2023 02:57AM

Translation: Does not know how and hasn't read the literature.

You’ve got that right Carey!!
Re: Left atrium enlargem
May 21, 2023 03:11AM

After reading my Natale ablation report my local cardiologist (not an EP) said that he didn’t even know they could do that stuff! At least he was honest.

I don’t think the EP or general cardiologist ever read my report(s). They did not make it very easy for me when they learned that I had made an appointment out of-area.
After 2 failed ablations, I would think they would have a different attitude! I was basically told to just live with it!
Re: Left atrium enlargement
May 22, 2023 01:28AM
My N1 for what it's worth: From June 2015 i was in permanent AF for almost 4 months. Was told that my L atria was quite enlarged. After a few months (6? iirc) I was told that it reduced in size. Last year i had another Echo and was told that my L atria is almost normal size (hope the are right )
Re: Left atrium enlargem
May 22, 2023 03:02AM
I don’t think the EP or general cardiologist ever read my report(s). They did not make it very easy for me when they learned that I had made an appointment out of-area.
After 2 failed ablations, I would think they would have a different attitude! I was basically told to just live with it!

If you're in the US they can't refuse to provide you with complete medical records. Never mind the EPs, call their office, tell them you need records, and you will get them. They can't refuse.
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