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Rash from Metoprolol

Posted by Louise 
Rash from Metoprolol
January 24, 2023 03:52AM
I started taking 25 mg ER metoprolol toward the end of October and it has worked very well. During an ekg at my physical my average hr was 107 and my doctor talked me into a low dose. The only problem is I now have a rash on my face. It was originally on my neck; then my neck cleared up but it is on my lower face. Metoprolol is the only change I can think of that has caused this. It didn’t come on until about a month ago. I read this was a possible side effect. Has anyone e perienced a “drug rash” and if so, did you find a solution. I have an appt. to discuss it next week. Does anyone recommend an alternate beta blocker? This is working so well for me I hate to change, but…. The only thing that is somewhat helpful is aloe vera gel, but it still itches sometimes.

I should say I am in permanent a fib and have been since 2010. I have a Watchman and take an aspirin a day, but nothing else until now. I am 73 and otherwise in good shape and good health.

Thanks for any suggestions. Best to all of you.
Re: Rash from Metoprolol
January 24, 2023 04:46AM
A rash months later due to the drug is unlikely, but not impossible. The easy way to find out is simply stop the metoprolol and replace it with a non-beta blocker such as diltiazem. There are dozens of beta blockers but if one causes this then the others probably will too. So talk to your doc and I'm sure you can find a solution.

And keep in mind it might not be the drug at all.
Re: Rash from Metoprolol
January 24, 2023 05:02AM
Carey, I’m SOOO hoping it isn’t the drug. The information I read also said a rash from a drug would usually appear within a few hours. When I meet with my doctor next week I will ask if I can go off it for a few days and see if it persists. I’m hoping it’s not the drug, but can’t think of anything else that has changed. Interestingly, I stopped drinking wine (which I drank almost every night) before the new year (not a resolution, just doesn’t appeal to me right now. I also stopped putting sugar in my coffee, which is MAJOR. I’ve been trying to do that for years. I almost thought it might be a detox thing, but I think that would be more of an acne breakout or something; plus I still eat an occasional cookie or candy; I’m not THAT pure! We’ll see — I’ll report after my doctor visit. Thank you so much for your response.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/24/2023 05:12AM by Louise.
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