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feeling of hardness in heart area
January 10, 2023 08:40PM
Hi everyone,
For the past few weeks, I get a feeling of tightness or hardness on my sternum /heart area. Not a constant feeling, but usually it comes up daily. All I can think to do is gently rub my sternum area. I wonder: should I take more potassium (supplement-wise, I only have the 99 mg capsules, but I now take 1 at each meal. I also use Lite Salt with 1/2 the sodium and extra potassium. Plus I'm eating mnay more vegetables now.
I also get around 300mg of mag glycinate/day. I have some beet powder that I'd been taking at ight with some lemon juice. I bet this helps spur the nitric oxide to open up the vessels. I've left off doing this, but will start again.
For what it's worth, an Exatest last year showed no mineral deficiencies.
I'm still a novice in regards to potassium, although my kidneys are fine. I'd probalby benefit with a titration upward of potassium in my daily intake.
Thanks for any comments, espcially about the feeling of hardness on my heart. Oh, recent stress tests showed no blockage; in short, except for my afib/flutter, my heart's in pretty good shape.
Re: feeling of hardness in heart area
January 11, 2023 12:07AM
I doubt supplements are going to do a thing for this. I'd recommend a visit with your PCP as the first step. The heart isn't the only thing that can cause chest pain/pressure/tightness.
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