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Do I have heart block?
September 04, 2022 11:21AM
Was up all night with flutter so I am not sure if I took one or an accidental (second) two cardizem pills. My Kardia shows wide qrs. This is a minute after taking my sotalol so it’s possible I had taken two cardizem. Is it first second or third degree heart block? I am sure once the sotalol kicks in it could get worst. It’s the middle of the night in America (2:20pm here) so I can’t show this to anyone.


Anyone who can read an ekg please post. Thanks.
Re: Do I have heart block?
September 04, 2022 04:09PM
That's not heart block but the QRS is very wide. My guess is you did accidentally double dose, so be careful with both the sotalol and the diltiazem. Don't take another dose of either one until you're well beyond the time it would normally be due.
Re: Do I have heart block?
September 04, 2022 05:03PM
That's not heart block but the QRS is very wide. My guess is you did accidentally double dose, so be careful with both the sotalol and the diltiazem. Don't take another dose of either one until you're well beyond the time it would normally be due.

Which line/lead shows the wide QRS?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/04/2022 05:27PM by Pixie.
Re: Do I have heart block?
September 04, 2022 05:23PM
I just took another pill 8 hours exactly after the second accidental dose. Exactly 8 hours later. I should had taken it 7 hours to get back on schedule. I don’t want to stay up all night and mess up my schedule so I’m considering taking my next dose 5 or 6 hours after this dose. My concern is I also take sotalol so both independently widen my qrs. Plus spacing the cardizem enough time apart until i’m back to 60mg every 8 hours.

That extra dose converted my flutter but it came back 6 hours later. My second concern is it usually drops my BP too much. One 15mg push dropped it once to 54/46…so taking my next dose I’ll take my BP first.
Re: Do I have heart block?
September 04, 2022 06:34PM
Which line/lead shows the wide QRS?

They all do, but it's most apparent in II and III. Google some ECG images of normal rhythm and compare. See how wide the QRS complex is in Susan's compared to a normal beat? (Count the little boxes.) And see how the shape of the QRS is very rounded and smooth? That's what happens when you stretch a QRS out horizontally. It's a very distinctive shape that you can see is wide at a glance.
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