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Reco for EP in Wilmington or Raleigh, NC area

Posted by Ginger 
Reco for EP in Wilmington or Raleigh, NC area
August 25, 2022 09:55PM
I'm looking for an EP for my niece who is only 22 but having so many issues with high heart rate and afib. She's having trouble finding a dr who will take her condition seriously. Does anyone have recommendations for someone to help her in either the Wilmington, NC or Raleigh NC area? Thanks so much in advance1
Re: Reco for EP in Wilmington or Raleigh, NC area
August 25, 2022 11:25PM
There are a couple of good electrophysiologists (EPs) in the area, but both their names escape me at the moment. I sent a PM to one of the people who used one of those EPs and asked him to pop in and give you his name.

In the meantime, why are doctors not taking her seriously? Are the afib and tachycardia documented by an ECG? Afib is pretty rare in someone of that age, but not unheard of. More common is a similar condition called SVT. SVT produces a very rapid heart rate like afib can, but the difference between the two is regularity of the rhythm. SVT produces a rapid but very regular rhythm while afib produces a very irregular rhythm. Distinguishing between the two is very important for proper treatment.
Re: Reco for EP in Wilmington or Raleigh, NC area
August 25, 2022 11:55PM
I say afib, but it could be SVT. The issue is finding a dr who will take a 22 years old female seriously. Sadly, we've come against obstacles there. Your description of SVT is very on the nose for what she's experiencing. So any advice, links and of course, Dr recos are much appreciated. Any dr outside the Wilmington Novant cardiac practice is of interest, as she's had 2 very bad experienced (with a cardiologist and an EP) at that practice. We won't be going back there. Thanks!
Re: Reco for EP in Wilmington or Raleigh, NC area
August 26, 2022 12:42AM
So I guess no one has captured it on any type of ECG device and the docs are writing her off because she's young, healthy and female?

If I'm close to being right, buy her a Kardia and have her use it whenever she experiences these episodes. It's FDA approved and will identify afib if it's present, and will record the rhythm no matter what it actually is. It has high credibility with any competent EP so a positive finding can't and won't be ignored.

You can buy a Kardia on Amazon for under $80. The basic model is perfectly adequate, and you don't need to buy the subscription. All she needs is one good recording of her episodes and that can be emailed back to herself so she can print it or forward it to a doc.
Re: Reco for EP in Wilmington or Raleigh, NC area
August 26, 2022 01:24AM
I say afib, but it could be SVT. The issue is finding a dr who will take a 22 years old female seriously.

Even more common in a female of 22 is POTS—postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. Is her high heart rate associated with being upright? If so, she would want to seek an EP who is familiar with this and knows how to treat it. And yes, a Kardia would be very helpful.
Re: Reco for EP in Wilmington or Raleigh, NC area
August 26, 2022 07:16AM
I like the Kardia 6L instead of the cheapest one because it’s more convenient, you can be in a noisy room, you don’t have the obstacles as the basic unit. The price isn’t that much different and worth the investment.
Re: Reco for EP in Wilmington or Raleigh, NC area
August 26, 2022 11:37AM
For someone her age, possible Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. [www.hopkinsmedicine.org]

"Normally, a structure in your heart called the atrioventricular node regulates how electricity passes from the upper chambers to the lower chambers. If you have WPW, you were born with an extra pathway, in parallel with the atrioventricular node, which allows electrical signals to race back and forth between the upper and lower chambers. This can result in a very rapid heart rate — 200 beats per minute or more."

I know several people who were diagnosed with WPW in their early 20's.
Re: Reco for EP in Wilmington or Raleigh, NC area
August 28, 2022 12:07PM
If she's willing to travel a little further down the road a bit, North Carolina Arrythmia Association is in between Durham and Raleigh. I've been to Duke and Wake Med in the past but have been treated with the most compassion from Dr. Hranitsky at NCAA. I guess that's important to me! I'm 69yo and been told my heart rhythm is "all over the place" (AF, PACs, PVCs, SVTs, etc). I've had ectopics since being a teenager, then AF showed up when I hit 55. Dr H has years of experience with complex arrythmias. I found him a year ago for a second opinion (actually a third opinion!). He and his staff treat me with the most kindness and concern even though he says I'm not near the point of needing an ablation. His medicine recommendations have helped me the most. It reminds me of WPW because I have a friend who at age 26 (now she's 66) found out she had WPW. I hope she finds a good & qualified doc who can find out why it's happening. Best of luck!
Re: Reco for EP in Wilmington or Raleigh, NC area
August 28, 2022 06:19PM
Please read my post from a few days ago: Apparently Successful Ablation at Duke. Dr. Bahnson successfully ablated my husband's flutter and afib, another friend who had been in persistent afib for years, and is the doctor who trains other Duke doctors on ablations! He has completed over 2500 afib and in the 1990s had already completed a 1000 super ventricular ablations if I recall correctly. Dr. Bahnson is very thorough and knowledgeable in my opinion!
Re: Reco for EP in Wilmington or Raleigh, NC area
August 28, 2022 07:46PM
Here is the post Karin mentions: [www.afibbers.org]
Re: Reco for EP in Wilmington or Raleigh, NC area
August 29, 2022 02:06AM
Patrick Hranitzky performed my ablation 2 years ago. I believe he was affiliated with the GURU, Dr. Andrea Natale, and may still be.
Re: Reco for EP in Wilmington or Raleigh, NC area
August 29, 2022 11:46AM
I've purchased the Kardia. She should get it today. Thanks!
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