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Flutter questions
May 09, 2022 02:31PM
I'm going to shorten this with bullet points.

- ablation on 2/25/22. Went well. Was 6 1/2 hour long. I did go into afib after but self converted within a 48 hour window. That was a first for me. I had a flutter a few times (always in the middle of the night) and self converted.

- background. I take dofetilide (have for 3 years). Basically all the EPs think that might be ongoing because of my congential surgeries. The last bottle of dofetilide was a new manufacturer. I am only on 0.125 mcg of it because of elevate QT with additional amounts.

- The day that I took the new mfg I went into aflutter in the middle of the night (last Thursday/friday am.). On friday I called around and found a pharmacy that had the one I typically use.

- Well the middle of the night flutter has happened for the next three nights- 4 in a row. when this happens I take an extra 30 mg of Cardizem, a xanax and a Lasix. I don't know if any of this helps. This morning I was still in aflutter so I hopped in the car to get an EKG at the hosptial (45 min away).. and yep.. I was sinus before I got there. I did get a blood test which showed I was a titch low on potassium (3.4 vs. 3.5) and still normal but not high on Mg. Praise the Lord that I did convert. Very thankful. But this middle of the night stuff.. for the birds.

- Last night I also started my CPAP again. I had decided to move to a dental device because my apnea was low (10). I also used a wedge pillow because, although I did use the Prilosec for a month I have been having more Gerd. So I started that up again.

- So questions.. My congential doc mentioned that sometimes when you get an ablation you can look at meds you didn't before. Usually dofetlide is last stop before. .. well.. you know. Which I would do short term but not long. (Amnioderone). Thoughts on that? I have trouble with beta blockers. The EP on call this weekened mentioned drentadone?? ( I know I have that wrong because I could not find it when googling.

- I have done a bunch of Kardias (6L). The PA and nurse said they couldn't tell if it was tachycardia or flutter but the EP and my local integrative cards both say flutter. I have had episodes of anxiety (like at a doctor last week.. not heart related).. heart rate increased as it does for anyone with anxiety- but it went back down...and that is how it's suppose to work.

What questions do I need to ask them when I talk to them today.  What am I missing?

Also last night specifically, I woke at 3 am. I looked at my watch before getting out of bed. Heart rate was 63. Then I got up.. went to the bathroom could already feel it joggling around. I laid there breathing deepening with. my CPAP for about 20 min and then it went to 120 where it sits until it converts. When it went to 120 I went downstairs and watched TV to wait for the Lasix kicked in.

I want to do an event monitor of some kind- I mentioned that but the EP group does not seem to care that much. My congential group does so I will be talking with them later.

This doesn't ever happen in the day. One night I did see on my Apple Watch that it was going at 120 for a couple hours before I woke. I guess I wouldn't care IF I could sleep. But I hardly ever take a full xanax (0.25) because I had a hard time getting off them before but I kinda need that when this happens in the middle of the night.

edit.. my flutter is 120-125 pretty much the entire time. maybe this is just still blanking period stuff. not quite to 3 months.

Thanks ya'll.  

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/09/2022 02:55PM by bettylou4488.
Re: Flutter questions
May 09, 2022 03:03PM
Dronedarone may be what the EP mentioned.
Re: Flutter questions
May 09, 2022 03:28PM
Dronedarone may be what the EP mentioned.

thanks yes I touched base with my congential doc and he clarified. He is going to touch base with my EP guy also which I feel good about. thanks.
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