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Advice on PACs one year post ablation
April 17, 2022 12:31PM
Hi everyone

Hope you are all well.

I wonder if anyone can advise me? I had an ablation a year ago. I did well on it but just 2 weeks ago, I suddenly noticed a change to my heart rhythm. I noticed extra beats and sent my watch ECG readings to the AF nurse at Royal Brompton (UK here) who said I was in sinus but with occasional PAC.

Since then I have noticed my heart rhythm being very inconsistent. The PACS now seem to be a regular feature which they were not before! I am also getting strange readings on my ECG. A few AF and several inconclusive. Needless to say, this is upsetting and worrying. These changes have made me feel unwell.

Im getting a holter next week to have a more sustained reading over a week and see what my PAC/Af burden might be.

Does anyone know why I should be getting PACs all of a sudden? Can anything be done about them? What are the indicators for a second ablation? Any other advice would be welcome


Re: Advice on PACs one year post ablation
April 17, 2022 09:54PM
Hi Blu...well am 3.5 years out from my suc. ablation + i was getting as many as 25K pac's a day at times earlier in the year which was really concerning as i normal was getting prev. a few dozen to a few k. a day.....i went to my doc + all blood work came back fine other then a little high Chol. which is more family oriented then behaiv. so i did 2 things...lowered my Chol. prob. by 20% in about 6 weeks though natural diet changes + supl. which got me down to around 2k pac's a day (now we all know Chol. is not really related to Afib + its spinoffs normally but we all know this malady is so ind. person related so you never know) then i ran across a mag. supl. surfing the net so i checked out the reviews on Amazon as that is my main way to bypass the prop. by companies ect. + i have never seen more positive reviews on dealing with Pac's ever + i read a lot. Now i still kind of grain of salted it to some degree because i have tried every kind of mag. known to mankind in dif. amounts ect. as Mag. was my 1st supl. i tried with Afib. (about a thousand dollars worth between 2014 + 18) but the reviews convinced me to give it a try....it is a combination of Malate, Taurate + Glycinate called NATURAL RHYTHM TRIPLE CALM MAG....each pill only contains 75mg. but it must be pure cause IT WORKS...on me anyway + i am a tough nut to crack with any Mag. helping me in the past + i eat very well with plenty of mag. rich food but no Mag. has affected me near like this. I take 1 in the morning + 1 just before bed (helps you sleep also big time + gives you very Vivid dreams that you will see mentioned in the reviews + they are correct) + the odd time 1 pill middle day also if i am getting a few Pac's because they have been all but elim. with this stuff + within a few days no less. On day 1 pre mag. i was getting around 2k pac's in a 24 hour period pro rated + by the end of day 1 i was down to few hundred...within about a week or a little sooner they were gone completely other then the odd 1 that popped up + when i miss a day or 1 dose i can feel them coming back....it is so complete that even the series of pac's i get everytime i went to bed + moved over to my right side (used to be my left Pre suc. Ablation) for about 30 seconds have also vanished so i cannot say enough about this product as you yourself will see when you read the reviews.....now we all know everyone is dif. + this 3 mag. combo can be bought on their own + taken together (that i plan on doing soon myself just to see if its the combo of mag. + not this part. product itself before reordering) but this has done wonders for me the last month or so. I was going to make a sep. post about this but your title + very Familiar problem to me was a good time i thought after waiting a month or so i could be sure this stuff is real. As far as you holter test unless your in the 25K or so daily Pac's you will not be recommended for a Pac ablation as they have to be REALLY BAD for 1 to be put back on the ep. table so unless its HORRIBLE your not getting relief that way. The Doc. will push Metropol or some other half ass bandaid drug that he said himself might give a 50% drop in Pac's not to mention the side effects. So anyway i can only tell you what happened to me + it is amazing what this synergy of Mag. has done for me so if you decide to try it (order it from THEIR website not Amazon as it is around half price) then let us know ...BTW after reading the reviews + ordering my heart calmed down somewhat maybe somehow knowing this was going to work + it did not disappoint when it finally arrived.

All the best

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/17/2022 10:00PM by vanlith.
Re: Advice on PACs one year post ablation
April 18, 2022 09:29PM
Hey Vanlith

Thanks for the detailed reply which is super helpful. Really pleased to hear that the Triple Calm Mag worked for you. I am more than happy to give it a try. I note that its harder to get in the UK and is a bit pricey through Amazon, who I am keen to avoid if possible However, I will try. Thanks too for letting me know the threshold for PACs to be considered for an ablation. I dont think I am near there yet. I will keep you posted on how I get on with the Triple Mag. In the meantime, al health to you and thanks again for the reply!


Re: Advice on PACs one year post ablation
April 19, 2022 03:26PM
Hey Blu...Ty for the kind words...as i said before you can go their site NATURALRHYTHM.CO + order it direct from them bypassing Amazon or as i also said you could just go to your local health food store in the UK + get those 3 mag. products + take them together as i plan on doing shortly myself through my fav. health online store Vitacost as the combination of the 3 seems to be answer....as i have tried them all Ind. but none gave me more then yes some relief but not the absol. game/lifechanger relief this 3 mag. combination has givin me.
It is not only healthy body its healthy mind also + this stuff has allowed me to not even think about Pac's anymore which is such a relief as that was a lingering lag that i have still had since my suc. ablation in 2018 esp. a few months ago but not anymore...as many things in life a bad exper. turns out to be the best thing that could of happened to you when you look back on it because after it happens you go balls to the walls to make sure nothing like that happens again + thats how i stumbled onto this heavenly product or more spec. the 3 mag taken at once.

Yes keep us posted as we would love to hear you exper. with this product or just the 3 mag. you buy Ind. locally there + combine them.

Re: Advice on PACs one year post ablation
April 19, 2022 04:45PM
Hi everyone

Hope you are all well.

I wonder if anyone can advise me? I had an ablation a year ago. I did well on it but just 2 weeks ago, I suddenly noticed a change to my heart rhythm. I noticed extra beats and sent my watch ECG readings to the AF nurse at Royal Brompton (UK here) who said I was in sinus but with occasional PAC


Just wondering if you recently had a covid-19 booster vaccination?
The same has happened to me, sinus rhythm with ectopy and I am thinking it may be a rear side effect?
See this link [www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]

I would like others to chime in and give an opinion?
Re: Advice on PACs one year post ablation
April 19, 2022 05:56PM
Afib marathon 30 days after moderna second shot. My regular cardiologist asked me if I was vaxx the past month because she saw a pattern with some of her patients. Moderna booster I had no problem. It’s half dose anyways. 3 cardiologists and two NP told me not to get the booster because it could be arrhythmic but I was fine.
Re: Advice on PACs one year post ablation
April 19, 2022 08:34PM
I would like others to chime in and give an opinion?

As I posted here, I had 15 episodes in 9 1/2 months in 2021. This was a very anomalously bad afib year for me. I did have a couple of episodes before by Vaxxes. A number of episodes were not long after Vaxxes. One was 11 days after Pfizer #1 (which I got in Feb). This was a strange one for me as it happened while I was taking my ski boots off after a day of skiing. That is unique for me. Then I had 4 episodes between day 9 and day 17 after Pfizer #2 (which I got in March). That density of episodes is very unusual for me. Yet another one, 14 hours after my J&J shot, which was about 2 months after Pfizer #2. I had others later. As mentioned in my linked post, after an episode in late October, I started taking 50 mg flec a day. This calmed my ectopy and also no afib after staring this. I got a Moderna booster Nov 20 with no reaction. Whether the flec helped with the no reaction, I don't know. In late December, I dropped the flec dose to 25/day and now at 25 weeks have had no episodes since starting the flec.

Obviously there is an association. Is it causation? I have no way to know. I periodically monitor PAC/hr rates during sleep with my recording monitor. They have been running 2-4/hour, which is almost zero, in my book. I will likely reduce my flec dose again in half and see what happens.

Here are my notes:

Date	St Time	End T	Min	Comment
01/14	5:34	5:37	3	breath hold conversion
02/02	0:48	5:14	266	
02/23	16:23	17:37	64	came while descending climbing approach earlier, took flec at 16:23 
02/27				Pfizer shot 1
03/09	16:38	19:38	180	After skiing Snowmass around 14:00, took flec at 16:38
03/20				Pfizer shot 2
03/29	3:29	5:27	118	
03/26	4:17	6:00	73	
04/01	5:31	7:38	127	
04/06	23:14	0:44	90	
04/13				hair consult, no sleep, very short afib runs (30 sec - 2 min runs afib, self converting
05/05	3:19	4:32	72	Loose stools - change of diet
05/26				J&J shot
05/27	5:30	14:30	540	had J&J vaccine afternoon before. Converted flec with WHM breath hold
07/15	23:45	4:05	260	convert flec+headstand  woke up w afib
09/23	4:30	6:57	147	convert flec went to flutter @130 in then 3 rounds WHM hold last inhale till converted.  
				Last week or so, pulse has been "jumpy."  Maybe too little mag w 1 tsp di mag + two Upgraded mag pills? 
10/06	5:00	6:35	95	convert flec, start sitting on couch awake, took 1 t dimag 2 t mag glycinate, 
				upgraded minerals 2 caps mag, 8 drop K 6s d Cu in K cit water 2 t in water bottle
10/27	6:00	10:50	290	4 hrs flec, convert with cold bath, tried 3 or 4 WHM, then all of the 
				following with exhaled breath hold: walking, push-ups, headstand,  
				squats w weights. Converted to flutter and would not budge until cold bath
				bath water around 58 deg F (15 C) for about 10 minutes
10/29				tachy at 20:30 to 95 bpm, took 1 tsp di mag malate + K cit +100 mg flec +
				1 t ginger, settled back down
10/30				for prevention, took 1 t dimag,1t ginger 50 mg flec at 20:00.
				continued flec @ 50 mg/day for 2 months, then 25 mg/day till present
11/20				Moderna booster

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/19/2022 08:43PM by GeorgeN.
Re: Advice on PACs one year post ablation
April 20, 2022 09:11PM
I have sinus bradycardia with frequent PACs. I can feel the PACs when checking my carotid pulse but not otherwise. They do not affect in the least bit my cardiovascular training during which I routinely push myself. The sinus bradycardia has been around for decades too because of the hard training required when the taxpayer was paying my salary and I was a vigorous long distance runner and bicyclist.
Re: Advice on PACs one year post ablation
April 25, 2022 05:56PM
Afib marathon 30 days after moderna second shot. My regular cardiologist asked me if I was vaxx the past month because she saw a pattern with some of her patients. Moderna booster I had no problem. It’s half dose anyways. 3 cardiologists and two NP told me not to get the booster because it could be arrhythmic but I was fine.

This is a thing. I am 5 years out form successful Natale ablation. Typical 7 day monitor I throw a few hundred PAC's ever since. After 2nd covid shot (Moderna) my heart went crazy and I requested a 7 day monitor from St Davids. I jumped to 3000 PAC's roughly. It settled back down within a few weeks, I would say about a month after the shot.

The 3rd shot (booster) did not create the same reaction.
Re: Advice on PACs one year post ablation
May 05, 2022 12:31PM
I would encourage considering a consumer class monitor like the Wellue AI-ECG if you are worried.
It gives you realtime feedback through a smartphone and the PC app gives you 24-hr statistics of anomolies.
Makes it easier to correlate food, exercise, medicine, fasting, etc, impact on heart.
(You don't have to wait weeks for results).
For me, only tiny episodes of AFIB and no ablation but 8000-16000 PACs a day.
Going to better diabetic diet; tracking glucose; getting 2-4 hours/week of heart rate zone 2 (60% of max) exercise,
keeping temperature up to about 70F while sleeping kept my heart rate from going too low
all seemed to basically eliminate the PACs for me.

The most significant seemed to be exercise and possibly reduction of Atorvastatin dose from 40mg to 20 mg.
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