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AF an Tachycardia
February 24, 2022 12:07PM
I’m almost 12 months post Ablation. I had some events for first few month and then pretty quiet. I’ve had a few events over the last 9 months, but all very brief, apart from one or two that lasted a couple of hours.
I’m very pleased with the result of the Ablation and have faith in my EP.
However, end of January a sustained bout of SVT according to local Dr. Lasted around 2 Hours, HR 140 -260. Didn’t go to hospital as resolved at local clinic.
Today went into Tachycardia and then AF around 2.30 pm and still going, current time 11pm. ( Aust time)
Is this just a hiccup? Or am I bound for another procedure, which I really don’t want.
How long should I wait before heading off to hospital. HR currently 120 mostly Tachy. I’ve taken Isoptin and loaded up on Mag.
I have a scrip for Propranolol from my Neurologist. Has anyone used this with success.
Any advice appreciated.

Kind Regards

Joy Win

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/24/2022 12:53PM by JoyWin.
Re: AF an Tachycardia
February 24, 2022 02:06PM
Today went into Tachycardia and then AF around 2.30 pm and still going, current time 11pm. ( Aust time)

How long should I wait before heading off to hospital. HR currently 120 mostly Tachy. I’ve taken Isoptin and loaded up on Mag.
I have a script for Propranolol from my Neurologist.

Possible your tachy is atrial flutter. The Isoptin is a calcium channel blocker, perhaps the Propranolol would work better for rate control (to get your rate <100)?

If you aren't on a blood thinner, getting one might make sense.

Wonder about getting a script for a rhythm med, if the EP thinks appropriate.
Re: AF an Tachycardia
February 24, 2022 04:34PM
Yeah, the propranolol should bring the rate down. As long as you can keep it under 100 there's no need to go to a hospital. But if I understood you correctly that you hit rates of 260, you need to go if you get that high again. Anything over 200, actually.

I don't think you can pass these episodes off as a passing annoyance. They're going to continue. Like George said, have a chat with your EP about rhythm control and a touch-up ablation. This is probably flutter which is usually (but not always) fairly easy to ablate. Much simpler and shorter procedure than an afib ablation.
Re: AF an Tachycardia
February 24, 2022 06:34PM
If its right flutter its easy. So she needs an ekg no? To determine if its flutter and wether R or L
Re: AF an Tachycardia
February 24, 2022 07:39PM
Thanks all…morning has broken, still over 100. Will fill out script today and try the Propranolol
I do want my SR back.🙁.
My Kardia device showed AFib and Tachycardia.
How do I know if it’s actually flutter. It looks like a normal beat on the read out, although the read out at the Drs in January looked different, and he seemed unsure.
Re: AF an Tachycardia
February 24, 2022 09:26PM
Identifying flutter on a Kardia is difficult and sometimes just impossible, but if the rate is fast and the rhythm is regular it's probably flutter. On the other hand, if Kardia is identifying it as afib then Kardia is usually right.

If it's still going tomorrow, go to a local walk-in clinic and see if they can do an ECG for you. Your EP will be able to identify it from that, and the walk-in doc probably will too.

Hmmm... do you have walk-in clinics in Australia?
Re: AF an Tachycardia
February 25, 2022 11:21AM
Thanks Carey.

Walk in Clinics? Sort of, since Covid you have to make appointments and they can take up to 2 weeks. I can drive down to an ER around 30 kms away, but really would rather not.

My heart is currently around 95-120, depending if I move about too much. Hard for me as I like to be active. I’m just falling back into old habits of taking my pulse everyone ten minutes. Keep waiting for it to jump up to the 200s😟

I’ll talk to my EP on Monday.
Re: AF an Tachycardia
February 25, 2022 05:47PM
Hi Joy....just my 2 cents if your heart shows/feels through just a simple pulse take that it is high + high for some is not as worrisome as for other as my friend has a resting hr around 100 + his doctor does not seem to have a problem with that but i do but that's another story.....my reason for chiming in is if your goal is to simply reduce your heartrate through the help of a drug....well i have gone down that path many times in the past + just recently not afib or tach. related i had a heart rate around 130 or so for many hours + decided to turn to a leftover drug from my past that beats the hell out of any drug i have taken in the hosp. (about 10 times...2015-18) + by my drug dealer/cardiol. to be taken at home to simply slow my heart rate down......BISOPROLOL 5mg.....this works so good that for me i need only about 1/10th yes 10% of a pill or just a corner of the already very small 5mg pill to bring my heart rate down to around 60-70 in about 90 min. + you can feel your heartrate dropping well before that also + it is effective for 24 hours....i think back to all those hosp. visits i had for afib + tach related things + all they did was try to reduce my heart rate with drugs like Metr. 25MG over + over again just to name 1 of many drugs they tried + of course a Cardioversion that is obv. not needed if you are in NSR but now i say i just needed to stay home with my speck of a pill of BISOPROLOL + that would have beat the hell out of anything they did to me in hosp. + real fast also no less......so maybe ask your doc. if you can try that....it will drop your BP a little like most do but taking at such a low dose as i described will have little effect on that.....That stuff is awesome + fast for 1 thing + that thing is what your seeming looking for now + just the fact that you have it in the med. cabinet will in itself give you peace of mind + not have to stress about the next ep. if it comes will go a long way to reduce these things in the 1st place in our heads as we all know the connection between the brain + the Heart aka stress ect.......anyway all the best + keep us informed.
Re: AF an Tachycardia
February 27, 2022 06:23PM
It’s Monday morning and my HR has been around 95-130 since Thursday. I have restricted my movement as it exasperates my HR.
I am waiting to hear from my EP. Have been taking Verapamil daily but seems not to be having any effect. I decided against starting the Propranolol as I read one of side effects is dizziness and I already have an issue with that.
I have never had a CV in all the years I’ve had AF and I’m worried if it is recommended, mainly because of my age and other conditions.This has been the longest run of AF/Tachy and I’m concerned that I haven’t self converted this time.
Re: AF an Tachycardia
February 27, 2022 11:41PM
Dizziness is a side effect of verapamil too. Both drugs lower blood pressure, and any drug that lowers BP can cause dizziness in some people, so that's why it's a known side effect for both drugs.

But one thing to know about flutter is it's often resistant to rate-limiting drugs. I dealt with it for over two years and there was no drug that could lower my heart rate, which was usually in the 230-250 range. So if verapamil isn't slowing it down, propranolol might not either, but I think it would be worth a try.

Cardioversion is nothing to fear, even for older people with comorbidities. There are no contraindications that apply to you. It's perfectly safe and I guarantee it will stop the flutter.
Re: AF an Tachycardia
February 28, 2022 11:26AM
Thanks again Carey…I’ve been scheduled for a TOE guided CV Wednesday. I’ve got everything crossed, 😋 hoping I will go back into SR before then.
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