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PVC Ablation
February 07, 2022 03:08AM
Had Natale AFibb Ablation June 2020 have been battling PVC's every since. PVCS have recently reached 7-10k daily went back on metropolol that didn't help much, now on fleciande that works ok cuts PVC's down to less then 1000 daily.

My life has been pretty darn stress filled during this recent increase in PVC's big life decisions have been made.

Assuming meds are not working is/would a Dr consider PVC Ablation?? How does the approval for insurance companies work with PVC Ablations?

Re: PVC Ablation
February 07, 2022 03:30AM
I had the same from 10-19 to 3-20…but over 1/3rd of my beats were PVCs. I was scheduled for a pvc ablation. My local ep is an older guy who asked me to humor him by postponing the ablation and take Tenormin. I was on multaq so I started slowly. First week 12.5mg a day. Nothing. Second week 25mg a day. Nothing. Third week 3-4 days into it the PVCs stopped cold turkey while on 37.5mg a day. It stopped 4 days before my scheduled pvc ablation.

Everyone is different. Worth a try.
Re: PVC Ablation
February 07, 2022 08:10AM
I've lots of PVCs and I'd like being free from them, but I don't like thinking how those could be ablated.
There's always a balance to find between risks and chances of success ; and I'd not like taking risks with my heart valves.
Above that, my PVCs (and PACs) are likely multifocal, which does not help being optimistic.
Re: PVC Ablation
February 07, 2022 08:34PM
How much are PVC casused by stress?? Seems to go hand in hand with the increase in PVC's..
Re: PVC Ablation
February 08, 2022 02:44AM
I used to have a ton of PVCs.. was going to have an ablation. Didn't. and the PVCs went away. Why? Diet? Jesus? I am not sure (I don't have the cleanest of diets but I did improve it around that time.. then again I am a huge believer in prayer.). But at our hospital FYI there were those that specialized in them.
Re: PVC Ablation
February 28, 2022 10:03PM
I was struggling with PVC’s after an ablation for Afib. Thankfully the ablation was successful and I did not have any more Afib episodes but the PVC’s would come and go every day. My EP assured me that they were benign and not to worry about them too much. In the meantime, my primary care physician recommended that I start taking 50 mgs of Losartan because my blood pressure was borderline. As soon as I started taking the Losartan, the PVC’s went away and they have stayed gone. I don’t know if it’s coincidence or not but for 3 1/2 years, I’ve religiously been taking Losartan and nothing more and no more PVC’s. Anyone else has had this type of experience?
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