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V tach after ablation
December 24, 2021 05:00PM
Hello all new here. I had 3 ablations with dr natale over the last 2 years for persistent afib. After the first ablation l developed a flutter and it returned again after the second one. He isolated my laa and In the third he did a touch up and Istalled a watchman. I've been in nsr except for a lot of ecpotics many in bigamy and tri bigamy patterns mainly when I'm active. Dr natale said he can't fix everything so lve learned to live with it. About a week ago when walking I felt a lot of flutter which I thought was afib. Next day l brought my kardia with me had the flutter again and caught it on the kardia. I think it's v tach and iam Freaking out. I sent it to trent in Austin and they told me to see my cardiologist. I see him next week. I guess I want to ask if anyone has had vtach after an ablation.
I am 83 years old and been reading this forum for 10 years during my afib journey. Thanks all and have a merry christmas.
Re: V tach after ablation
December 24, 2021 05:55PM
You can always pay a fee and a Kardia specialist could diagnose your ekg (“speak to a cardiologist “ or “get a clinician review”) if you are freaking out. There is a button to push under more options. I think it’s $19 for peace of mind until you see your cardiologist. It may help to put closure and avoid getting an afib episode from fright and you can enjoy Christmas.
Re: V tach after ablation
December 24, 2021 06:32PM
Thank you Susan I paid 25.00 for the review. I hope you have a merry Christmas and and a happy and healthy new year.
Re: V tach after ablation
December 25, 2021 04:51AM
What was the response? I'm hoping (and betting) the reviewer said it wasn't v-tach.
Re: V tach after ablation
December 25, 2021 05:51AM
He said it was afib. It don't look like anything I'd before. Hope he's right. Thanks again.
Re: V tach after ablation
December 25, 2021 03:36PM
He said it was afib. It don't look like anything I'd before. Hope he's right. Thanks again.

It would be virtually impossible for an MD to misidentify v-tach as afib (or anything else, really).
Re: V tach after ablation
December 25, 2021 05:37PM
Thank you carey. I hope that's right if so that would my first bout of afib in almost a year. I would post the kardia strip if I knew how
Re: V tach after ablation
December 26, 2021 12:02AM
Thank you carey. I hope that's right if so that would my first bout of afib in almost a year. I would post the kardia strip if I knew how

The Kardia will give you a PDF of the recording. Take that and post it to any of the free file sharing services such as Google Drive, then post a link to it here. Or you can email it to me. Check your private messages for my email address.
Re: V tach after ablation
December 26, 2021 02:54AM
Carey sent you an email. I have to study a little more to get it to post.
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