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post ablation encouragement needed
December 23, 2021 11:51PM
Hey All!
Looking for some encouragement .I had ablation on 12/10/21 at BIDMC in Boston and at 10 days post have had episodes of afib since then now day 13 post, double heart beats and doctors put me on amiodarone twice a day for 2 weeks then to 1 time a day. Dr said its common after procedure to have episodes. just wondering if any one else have experienced episodes ofter ablation and for how long.
Re: post ablation encouragement needed
December 24, 2021 05:19AM
Almost everyone who's had an ablation has experienced bouts of afib, atrial flutter, and/or assorted ectopic beats in the following weeks. It's perfectly normal and to be expected. The amiodarone will almost certainly bring it under control soon, but don't let them leave you on that for months. It's okay for short-term control during the blanking period following an ablation, but it's not okay for long-term use.
Re: post ablation encouragement needed
December 27, 2021 02:53PM
Marco, I had my ablation at BIDMC on Nov 8th. I did not have any episodes for the first 10 days post ablation but then started experiencing short bouts of afib and atrial flutter. I was experiencing these episodes daily for weeks 2-5 (almost always at night). These episodes have continued to decrease over time. I'm now at almost at two months and episodes have become very infrequent. I'm hoping the progress continues...
Re: post ablation encouragement needed
December 28, 2021 06:40PM
You said double heart beats. So you're having ectopics or actual afib?

As for ectopics and skipped beats, I had TONS of them starting about a week after my ablation. Very stressful and I was on here all the time looking for encouragement and answers. People told me they would calm down more than likely, and they did. But it took about a year for the ectopics to subside. I get a bad day here and there still but not anything like it was. I was having massive bigeminal and trigeminal runs and heavy beats. Now I'm two years out and things are very calm. Stay the course and talk with your EP about things to keep them at bay until you heal more fully. It takes time.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/28/2021 06:41PM by keeferbdeefer.
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