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Could taking fish oils supplements increase AFib risk?

Posted by Lorraine 
Could taking fish oils supplements increase AFib risk?
July 12, 2021 08:52PM
A recent blog post by GrassrootsHealth Nutrient Research Institute states: "Observations from recent studies cause concern for those with high triglycerides and at risk for cardiovascular disease."
Re: Could taking fish oils supplements increase AFib risk?
July 13, 2021 08:22AM
I am avoiding fish oil supplements because it triggers palpitations and sometimes afib.
I am sure this will not apply to all but its worth to consider.

Re: Could taking fish oils supplements increase AFib risk?
July 13, 2021 09:00PM

For what it is worth, I have attempted to add fish oil to my diet numerous times over the past 15 years; same result: palpitations after a couple of days, then into afib. So for me, I avoid it like the plague.

Re: Could taking fish oils supplements increase AFib risk?
July 23, 2021 12:16PM
I use to avoid omega oils as it would start but I think for myself it caused acid reflux which put me in AFib
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