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Does your Chloride run high ? And do your MCH and MVC blood markers run high?

Posted by Percyfaith 
Does your Chloride run high ? And do your MCH and MVC blood markers run high?
June 14, 2021 07:47PM
My loved one has been suffering with Afib since 2005 after he had cataract surgery. I believe that surgery has affected his circadian rhythms.

But right now I have two other concerns and am wonder if others here show high Chloride on you blood lab work especially during an Afib bout and/ or does you MCH and MVC blood markers run high?

Does your Chloride run high ? And do your MCH and MVC blood markers run high?
Re: Does your Chloride run high ? And do your MCH and MVC blood markers run high?
June 14, 2021 08:17PM
No to all three, and I've never heard of these three markers being associated with AF. However, chloride is an electrolyte, so when it's out of normal range it can definitely cause heart rhythm disturbances. And high MCH can cause tachycardia. If those numbers are significantly out of normal range I would investigate further. I don't believe AF can be the cause.
The MCH and MCV are more a lead on Lyme or Mold. Not at all sure if they are an Afib factor.

Chloride has been high every Afib time. I consider hydration due to simple saline IV has brought him back into rhythm 2 times in Emergency room visits...last time was told to dangerous to give him..??? I do not understand that? But they were about to sell him a Heart Carth during his last visit. Now added a Statin and he only has borderline high ...they keep lowering Cholesterol Now at 70 I think. I have different views on lipids.We need it for cognition.

I also consider that his Light / circadian rhythm might be off due the filters in his eyes.
Dr. Jack Kruse (A Neurosurgeon) believes that light is more about health than food and that is is responsible for many ills.
Re: Does your Chloride run high ? And do your MCH and MVC blood markers run high?
June 22, 2021 01:14AM
I'm sorry, but I don't understand your response. I don't think any of his lab work is an afib actor. He has afib; it's that simple. Looking for a "why" is a futile search because no one knows why people have afib, but it's not due to light and circadian rhythms.
Re: Does your Chloride run high ? And do your MCH and MVC blood markers run high?
June 22, 2021 02:11AM
The MCH and MCV are more a lead on Lyme or Mold. Not at all sure if they are an Afib factor.

Chloride has been high every Afib time. I consider hydration due to simple saline IV has brought him back into rhythm 2 times in Emergency room visits...last time was told to dangerous to give him..??? I do not understand that? But they were about to sell him a Heart Carth during his last visit. Now added a Statin and he only has borderline high ...they keep lowering Cholesterol Now at 70 I think. I have different views on lipids.We need it for cognition.

I also consider that his Light / circadian rhythm might be off due the filters in his eyes.
Dr. Jack Kruse (A Neurosurgeon) believes that light is more about health than food and that is is responsible for many ills.

Hydration can be a reason for high chloride. What is his urine color? Hydration can certainly be managed consciously.

Understand that Dr. Kruse thinks (and perhaps has data?) that the replacement lens blocking of UV spectrum can cause issues. As I recall, it was a lot about metabolic illness (I think the quote was that opthamologists 100 years ago saw people's metabolism {insulin resistance/T2 diabetes} improve when cataracts were removed, but more recently the reverse happens with the hypothesis being the UV filtration of the replacement lenses) in addition to rhythm. Not sure that would drive afib, or how you'd fix, short of lens replacement.
Re: Does your Chloride run high ? And do your MCH and MVC blood markers run high?
November 01, 2021 04:20AM
Chloride high = dehydration

High MCV and MCH can be mold or lyme ...
Lyme carditis occurs when Lyme disease bacteria enter the tissues of the heart.
Mold can cause Atrial Fibrillation

No one knows, yet, Carey
I believe....
Circadian Rhythm may well be at cause with Afib.
And light is more about health than food
Knowing the root cause goes a long way to curing any condition.
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